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N.I. Chukhraі, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine) I.Ya. Kulyniak, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine) O.I. Hliantseva, Marketing Studio FAJTA (Lviv, Ukraine)
Pages: 233-247
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the production, financial, human resources and marketing components of industrial enterprises potential (by using light industry enterprises of Lviv region as an example), and to form methodological approaches to rationalize actions for its improvement.
The results of the analysis. Applying the concept of BSC (Balanced Scorecards), according to which the system performance of a company is divided into four spheres of activity – finance, external environment of a company and its relationships with customers (marketing), internal business processes (operation activities), a company’s ability to learning and growth (human resources management). It has been suggested evaluating the industrial enterprises potential in the framework of its components: production, financial, human resources and marketing components. In terms of potential components it is useful to distinguish relevant production, financial, human resources and marketing types of risks. On the basis of analysis of scientific literature and the authors’ empirical researches a system of indicators for assessing the suggested components and types of potential risks has been formed.
The justification of improvement measures for using components of industrial enterprises potential is given in the article, which is based on the combined method, that lies in comparing the values of three parameters, namely: the indicator of a potential component level; the indicator of risk level; the indicator of the enterprise situation on the market and/or the indicator of the enterprise capabilities to conduct its activities under the influence of external environment factors. The next step is the formation of the justification matrix of improvement for using components of industrial enterprises potential.
The level of the potential component is offered to define by means of division of partial indicators, their standardization and calculation of the average value of standardized indicators within the group. Based on the values of the levels of four potential components, the integral indicator of the industrial enterprise potential is determined, that enables to conclude about the overall enterprise potential level.
The risk level is advisable to evaluate by using the indicator of risk level. The j-th type of risk of the i-th group is suggested for evaluating by means of using the fuzzy sets theory.
In the justification of improvement measures for using production potential component, it is recommended to take into account the indicator of operating activities profitability, financial – the rating number that characterizes the financial and economic enterprise security, human resources – the index of productivity growth rate over the average salary growth, marketing – the relative market share.
On the basis of division of intervals mentioned above parameters, the matrix of justification of improvement measures for using components of industrial enterprises potential has been developed.
The practical aspects of the suggested scientific results are illustrated by examples of the sufficiently representative sample of ten light industry enterprises of Lviv region.
The article presents the graphic positioning of light industry enterprises of Lviv region according to the values of calculated parameters. The results of researches for light industry enterprises of Lviv region allowed to choose specific quadrants of developed matrixes in order to improve the potential usage.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The theoretical backgrounds and practical recommendations of the justification of improvement measures for using components of industrial enterprises potential are of particular importance nowadays. The complex of measures for light industry enterprises of Lviv region in order to improve the use of production, financial, human resources and marketing potential components is suggested. The given measures are advisable to use in practice by enterprises that in the end will allow to improve the overall enterprises potential and to use the existing and hidden assets effectively.
The prospects for further researches lie in developing a forecasting method of changing the current potential components level on the basis of the existing system of indicators that will enable to increase the industrial enterprises activities efficiency.
Keywords: enterprise potential, components of enterprise potential, production component, financial component, human resources component, marketing component, risks of enterprise potential, use of potential components
JEL Classification: L60, М11.
Cite as: Chukhraі, N., Kulyniak I. & Hliantseva, O. (2017). Methodological approaches to justification of improvement measures for using components of industrial enterprises potential. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 233-247.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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