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Irina Reshetnikova, SHEI «Kyiv National Economic University na Vadym Hetman» (Ukraine) Sergiy Smerichevskyi, National Aviation University (Ukraine) Yevheniia Polishchuk, SHEI «Kyiv National Economic University na Vadym Hetman» (Ukraine)
Pages: 142-150
Language: English
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General theoretical approaches to the content of the concept of multi-channel marketing have been generalized. It is proved that multi-channel marketing differs from multi-channel communications and is a modern and global technology of integration of all components of the marketing complex in the process of interaction with the consumer. It is substantiated that the level of possession of mobile devices in Ukraine and their penetration among the population creates a background for widespread using of Internet channels by service providers. The special relevance of the use of multi-channel marketing takes on the market of banking services because it allows personalizing the contact with the consumer and take into account his or her requirements in terms of access points and convenient time. The data about the increase of non-contact payments in the domestic market and stability of this trend has been displayed in this article. At the same time, the reduction of traditional branches of banks is not always justified, as the consumer must have their own choice as to the convenience of using one or another channel. The expert assessment proved that despite the high cost of maintaining the liaison office has relatively high efficiency among the clients of advanced age. Therefore, against the background of reduction of unprofitable branches, there should be processes of modernization of those that remain on the market from the point of view of conversion into financial service centers. The article proposes a method of constructing a system of multi-channel marketing of a banking institution, which consists of four stages: analysis of large amounts of data on consumer behavior, their preferences regarding the ways and means of connecting to banking services, products and services, the volume, timing and regularity of provision; segmentation of the market and the definition of target segments depending on the level of ownership of mobile devices and information technology, age, income and social activity; optimization of the set of channels from the point of view of maximization of profit and minimization of expenses for their maintenance in the context of each target segment; evaluate the effectiveness of multi-channel interaction and adjustment of the configuration of the channels. It is proved that the main feature of segmentation of consumers in the construction of multi-channel marketing should be the level of ownership and frequency of use of electronic devices. The results of the study may be useful for banking institutions that are trying to build a system of multi-channel marketing.
Keywords: multi-channel marketing, banking services market, innovations, mobile devices, consumer preferences, market segments
JEL Classification: M31, G21.
Cite as: Reshetnikova, I., Smerichevskyi, S., Polishchuk, Y. (2019). Multican marketing as an innovation technology of providing services in the conditions of globalization of the banking market. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 142-150.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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