Marketing and Management of Innovations

ISSN (print) – 2218-4511 

ISSN (online) – 2227-6718

Registered in the Media Registrants-Register

Identifier in the register: R30-01179 Decision dated August 31, 2023, No. 759

The language of publication is English. 

Issued 4 times a year (March, June, September, December) since 2010

Business Model: Golden Open Access | APC Policy

Editor-in-Chieff             View Editorial Board

Oleksii Lyulyov

Sumy State University | Ukraine

Reproducibility and robustness

The Reproducibility and Robustness Policy of the Marketing and Management of Innovations underscores the importance of transparency and reliability in research endeavors. Authors submitting to the journal are expected to adhere to the principles outlined below to ensure the reproducibility and robustness of their paper:

  1. Full Disclosure of Data and Methodology. Authors are urged to be transparent about the data and methodology employed in their research. This includes providing comprehensive details on raw data, research technologies, methods, and obtained results. Such openness facilitates the replication and advancement of similar experiments by the broader scientific community.
  2. Comprehensive Experiment Descriptions. Authors must furnish a complete and accurate description of their experiments, encompassing both the initial concept and the final results. Thorough documentation is essential for enhancing scientific transparency and facilitating the reproducibility of experiments in the future.
  3. Reliability of Results. The Journal is committed to publishing reliable research results. Authors are expected to utilize established and proven methods and models. Any distortion of data or use of unverified information is considered unethical and unacceptable.
  4. Rigorous Testing of Models and Methods. Authors are encouraged to rigorously test their models and methods for obtaining results. Providing detailed information and explanations enhances the credibility and robustness of the research.
  5. Data Preservation and Online Availability. Authors should preserve raw data for a reasonable duration and make them available online. Editors may request access to raw data or additional clarification on methodologies. Open access to data is crucial for successful replication of research in the future.
  6. Encouragement of Data Sharing. The Journal encourages authors to share research data, even in cases where challenges may arise. Legal restrictions on data exchange and reuse are acknowledged, and authors are relied upon to navigate such complexities professionally.
  7. Collaborative Approach to Reproducibility Challenges. Recognizing the complexities surrounding data exchange and reuse, the Journal emphasizes the importance of a collaborative and united scientific community. Overcoming obstacles requires collective efforts to create a research culture conducive to productive and reproducible outcomes