Marketing and Management of Innovations

ISSN (print) – 2218-4511 

ISSN (online) – 2227-6718

Registered in the Media Registrants-Register

Identifier in the register: R30-01179 Decision dated August 31, 2023, No. 759

The language of publication is English. 

Issued 4 times a year (March, June, September, December) since 2010

Business Model: Golden Open Access | APC Policy

Editor-in-Chieff             View Editorial Board

Oleksii Lyulyov

Sumy State University | Ukraine

Authorship and contributorship

The Journal adheres to the guidelines set forth by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and incorporates the principles of the Council of Science Editors (CSE). Building a foundation of trust with authors, the journal emphasizes adherence to standards of publishing ethics, as well as publishing and editorial policies outlined in the instructions for authors. Authors are expected to exclusively present their own original ideas and research findings in their articles. Simultaneous submission of the same article to multiple journals is discouraged, and authors are urged to avoid appropriating the ideas of other researchers during their study preparations. Furthermore, leveraging reviewers to enhance the paper’s quality for subsequent submission to another journal is considered inappropriate. Additionally, authors are required to thoroughly assess potential conflicts of interest and confirm their absence before submission. This commitment underscores the journal’s dedication to maintaining ethical publishing practices and upholding the integrity of scholarly work.

Authors’ responsibility

The authors of each manuscript are obligated to confirm the following:

  1. The manuscript has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere.
  2. They have made a substantial contribution to the work and endorse the final version of the manuscript.
  3. Their work aligns with ethical standards.
  4. They assume responsibility for all aspects of the work, addressing any inquiries about the accuracy or integrity through appropriate investigations and resolutions.
  5. They have obtained all necessary permissions for publishing figures or tables in the manuscript and assure coverage of Article Processing Charges (APC) if applicable. Ensuring originality in this text is a priority.

Authorship criteria

The Marketing and Management of Innovations journal adheres to and embraces the authorship criteria outlined by ICMJE 2019, including:

  • A significant contribution to the concept or design of work; obtaining, analyzing or interpreting data for work;
  • Compilation of work or its critical review for the presence of important intellectual content;
  • Final approval of publication text;
  • Agreement to take responsibility for all work aspects, ensuring that issues of accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Individuals who do not meet all four criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors but should be duly acknowledged. Activities such as acquiring funding, general supervision of a research group, administrative support, and assistance with writing, technical editing, language editing, and proofreading do not, on their own, qualify a contributor for authorship. Moreover, AI tools cannot be attributed as authors, given their inability to fulfill the authorship criteria or take responsibility for the submitted work.

Authors are required to disclose the use of any AI tools, such as ChatGPT or Bing, in their Cover letter, Materials and Methods, and Acknowledgment sections. This disclosure should encompass details such as prompts employed for generating text, transforming text or prompts into tables or illustrations, the complete prompt used for generating research results, the time and date of queries, and the version of the AI tool utilized. Authors bear full responsibility for the content of their manuscript, including sections generated by AI tools, and are liable for any breaches of publication ethics. For further guidance, please consult the WAME Recommendations on Chatbots and Generative Artificial Intelligence in Relation to Scholarly Publications, and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technology in manuscript preparation

An article should designate one corresponding author from the co-authors. Details about this individual must be provided in the cover letter, with a template available on the journal’s website. The corresponding author serves as the primary contact for editors, overseeing the processing of the article on behalf of the author collective. This individual holds the authority to present reasoned disagreements with reviewers or initiate the withdrawal of the article. To prevent misunderstandings within the author collective and between editors and authors, the managing editor shares copies of communications with the corresponding author to all co-authors.

Author contributions

Determining the contributions of authors is a crucial aspect of article publication, particularly in the context of research papers. Contributorship encompasses various elements, including conceptualization and design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing and revision, review and editing, as well as securing funding and resources. All individuals or institutions involved in the research preparation should be duly acknowledged in the article.

The Editorial Board adheres to the principles and recommendations of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) concerning authorship and contributorship. Since January 2019, the Journal has adopted the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system to delineate each author’s contribution, thereby mitigating potential authorship disputes.

The roles of authors are defined by the corresponding author upon article submission. Given the diverse nature and complexity of research, the list of roles performed by participants is not fixed, and authors may undertake different roles in various articles. Some authors might fulfill multiple roles during the research and article development.

Mutually, authors are responsible for confirming and acknowledging their assigned roles. The specific contributions of each author should be detailed in the Author Contributions section of the manuscript.

In the Acknowledgments section, the corresponding author should acknowledge all individuals or legal entities that have contributed to the article’s preparation. All persons listed in the Acknowledgments section must provide their agreement. In certain cases, the editor may request written consent from the corresponding author.

Author contributions can be indicated as illustrated in the following example:

conceptualization, X.X. and Y.Y.; methodology, X.X.; software, X.X.; validation, X.X., Y.Y. and Z.Z.; formal analysis, X.X.; investigation, X.X.; resources, X.X.; data curation, X.X.; writing-original draft preparation, X.X.; writing-review and editing, X.X.; visualization, X.X.; supervision, X.X.; project administration, X.X.; funding acquisition, Y.Y

X.Y. is the initials of the author. First name and Last name – F.L.

The CRediT system allows for transparency and proper attribution of contributions within a publication. It defines the contributors’ roles in the following way:

  1. Conceptualisation: Contributing to the formulation of the research idea, study design, or hypothesis.
  2. Data curation: Collecting, assembling, and organizing data for the research.
  3. Formal analysis: Conducting statistical or computational analysis of the data.
  4. Funding acquisition: Acquiring financial support or resources for the research study.
  5. Investigation: Being directly involved in the research process, carrying out experiments, observations, or data collection.
  6. Methodology: Contributing to the development of the study methodology, protocols, or procedures.
  7. Project administration: Overseeing and managing the research project, including budgeting, coordination, and organization.
  8. Resources: Providing necessary materials, tools, or software for the research study.
  9. Software: Developing or writing computer programs, software, or codes used in the research study.
  10. Supervision: Providing guidance, mentorship, and supervision throughout the research process.
  11. Validation: Verifying the accuracy, integrity, and validity of the research findings.
  12. Visualisation: Creating visual representations of the data, such as charts, graphs, or images.
  13. Writing – original draft: Writing – original draft: Contributing to the initial writing of the manuscript, including drafting sections or writing specific parts.
  14. Writing – review & editing: Writing – review and editing: Reviewing, editing, and providing critical feedback on the manuscript.

Changes to authorship or contributorship

In the event of alterations to authorship and/or contributorship subsequent to the initial submission, it is essential to provide approval from all authors. This includes additions, deletions, adjustments to the order of authors, or modifications in attributing contributions. A comprehensive explanation for any changes must be communicated to the Editor. In cases of disagreements among authors, the Journal adheres to the guidelines set forth by COPE. The Editor may inquire with any of the authors or contributors to confirm their agreement with any proposed changes.