Marketing and Management of Innovations

ISSN (print) – 2218-4511 

ISSN (online) – 2227-6718

Registered in the Media Registrants-Register

Identifier in the register: R30-01179 Decision dated August 31, 2023, No. 759

The language of publication is English. 

Issued 4 times a year (March, June, September, December) since 2010

Business Model: Golden Open Access | APC Policy

Editor-in-Chieff             View Editorial Board

Oleksii Lyulyov

Sumy State University | Ukraine

Publication ethics policy and malpractice statement

The Journal places a significant emphasis on matters of publication ethics within its editorial and publishing policy. The Editorial Board, along with Reviewers, is committed to upholding the globally recognized principles of publication ethics and maintaining high standards in scholarly publishing. The Code of Conduct is aligned with recommendations from the Committee on Ethics  in Publishing. The Journal adhere to guidelines such as the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.

  1. Website

The Journal maintains a comprehensive website that upholds ethical and professional standards, offering essential information about the publisher and the Journal. This online platform outlines every aspect of the editorial and publishing policy, furnishing guidelines for authors, editorial board members, and reviewers. It provides detailed procedures for manuscript submissions, publication costs, and discount schemes. The website features information about the publisher and editorial board, contact details of the editorial office, comprehensive profiles of board members and reviewers, a content index database and aggregator, plagiarism checking software products, details about partnerships and collaborations, and information about the services offered.

Since its inception, all journal issues have been made available on the website in open access. Each article page includes information about the author, an abstract, a list of references, the manuscript’s receipt date, revised data, acceptance date, and download and view counts. Readers can freely download the full text from the article page without restrictions.

The journal websites offer versions in English and Ukrainian. They include buttons for quick and convenient communication with the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Office. The Editorial Board consistently takes necessary measures to ensure the continuous operation of the website, cybersecurity, and data safety.

The Aims and Scope section of the website clearly defines the main research areas, target audience, subject areas, classifications, and other crucial information intended for publication in the journal.

The ISSNs of both the print and online Journal are prominently listed on the website.

  1. Journal title

The Journal is assigned distinct name to avoid any confusion with the titles of other journals. This information is clearly stated on the website.

  1. Peer review process

The Journal employs a double-blind peer-review model, where manuscripts undergo assessment by both members of the Editorial Board and Reviewers. Reviewers are chosen based on their research interest in the article’s topic. The review report is communicated to the Author(s) and includes the reviewers’ opinions and recommendations regarding the acceptance, rejection, or need for revision of the manuscript. The website provides information on the review process, outlining its stages, reasons for potential rejection (Peer review process), a comprehensive overview of the reviewer’s role, and guidelines for the reviewer’s conduct in various scenarios (Guidelines for Reviewers).

  1.  Journal ownership and management

The publisher of the journal “Marketing and Management of Innovations” is Sumy State University (Ukraine).

  1. Management and decision-making structure

The collaboration and distribution of responsibilities among the journal’s editors and publisher align with the journal’s publishing policy. In accordance with the fundamental principles of WAME, the publisher has the authority to appoint and dismiss editors and editorial board members, exercising this right only for essential reasons, such as unreasonable decisions, violations of the journal’s editorial policy, and personal behavior contrary to trust (including criminal behavior, breaches of ethical standards, and dishonest performance of official duties, among others).

Details on the independence of the Journal’s editorial board can be found in the corresponding sections of the respective websites. The Editor-in-Chief, Section Editors, and Editorial Board members actively engage Reviewers and the Editorial Board in Journal activities. Members of the Editorial Board and external reviewers are experts in their fields, aligning with the Journal’s goals and upholding publication ethics norms. The list of editorial board members and reviewers undergoes regular review, and their names, affiliations, research interests, and references to academic profiles are publicly accessible on the Journal’s website.

The responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief, Section Editors, Editorial Board members, Managing Editor, and Technical Editor, along with a convenient communication button with the Editor-in-Chief, are clearly outlined in the respective sections of the website: Guidelines for Editors and Guidelines for Reviewers.

  1. Editorial Office/contact information

The names and contact information for all members of the Editorial Board, Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Technical Editor, Proofreader, Web Manager are listed in the Editorial Team, Editorial Board, Editorial Team, Contact sections.

Full editorial contact information (address, phone, fax and email) is also listed in the “Contacts” section of the Journal’s website. There is also a button for quick contact with the Editor of the Journal.

  1. Copyright and licensing policy

The Journal’s copyright policy is transparently outlined in the Copyright and Licensing section. Every article is released under the Creative Commons CC BY open-access license, granting permission for the article’s use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided proper attribution is given to the original work. The CC BY license extends to both commercial and non-commercial purposes. In cases where authors incorporate previously published content (e.g., text, figures, tables), they must secure permission for usage and republication, along with providing accurate source references. This clearance process should be completed before submitting the article.

As an open-access periodical, refer to the Open Access Statement and the bibliography metadata section for comprehensive insights into the journal’s open access policy. All citation data within articles are genuine, structured, and published under a Creative Commons license. Adhering to the COPE Guidelines on Citation Manipulation, authors are urged to avoid any form of citation manipulation.

For ease of identification and access, each published article is assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), encompassing all essential metadata and the article’s URL.

  1. Article processing charge policy

Authors are required to pay the article processing fee after their article has undergone the review process and been accepted for publication (no charges are applied for the submission and review of articles). This fee encompasses services such as manuscript text editing, formatting of figures and tables, review process management, article archiving, website upkeep (including posting articles, maintenance, and support), and the promotion of the journal and articles (e.g., distribution of journal materials, assistance for indexing services), inclusive of customer support costs. Prospective authors can consult the Article Processing Charge for details on author fees before submitting their manuscripts for review.

The article processing fee is settled by the author upon acceptance for publication, and its amount is irrespective of the article’s length. The payment can be conveniently made through a bank transfer.

To support authors from low- and middle-income countries, the journal offers discounts of 20% and 10%. Authors from developing countries, those in regions facing military conflict, or those unable to afford the article publication fee may be eligible for exemptions from payment. For further information on these options, please refer to The Article processing charge and discount.

In adherence to the recommendations of the Fair Open Access Alliance, the journal follows a transparent fee structure in line with the 5 Plan S.

  1. Detection and handling of research misconduct

Author(s) submitting manuscripts to the journal are required to uphold principles of scientific transparency, integrity, thoroughness, excellence, and respect for co-authors and researchers. Adhering to ethical standards in publishing and scholarly endeavors, as well as COPE principles, is essential. In accordance with the journal’s policy, only papers containing the author’s ideas and research results are accepted for publication. To ensure originality and prevent plagiarism, the journal employs and iThenticate services to check submitted articles.

The Editorial Board maintains a stringent stance against various forms of plagiarism, including direct, copying, self-plagiarism (recycling), mosaic (splicing), incidental, remixing, hybridization, mash-ups, links to non-existent sources, aggregators, and retweeting. The Plagiarism Statement section provides detailed information on these types and forms of plagiarism (verbatim plagiarism, substantive plagiarism, and paraphrasing) and outlines sanctions for researchers violating the plagiarism policy.

Beyond plagiarism, the journal considers other instances of copyright infringement as research misconduct, including but not limited to:

  • Manipulating authorship or downplaying other researchers’ contributions.
  • Submitting or publishing the same study in multiple journals simultaneously or over an extended period.
  • Over-publishing (salami publishing).
  • Manipulation of citations.
  • Falsification or fabrication of data.
  • Reproduction of significant portions of earlier publications without proper acknowledgment.
  • Concealment (withholding) of research results.
  • Allowing sponsors to compromise the independence of research.
  • Unjustified expansion of the research literature.
  • Malicious accusations of researcher misconduct.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings.
  • Exaggeration of the practical significance of results.
  • Delaying or complicating the work of other researchers (sabotage).
  • Abuse of position contributing to research misconduct.
  • Ignoring alleged research integrity violations by others or systematically concealing misconduct or other violations.
  • Establishing or supporting journals lacking quality control (“predatory journals”).

For more details on these types of research misconduct, refer to the Research Misconduct Policy.

  1. Publication ethics

The journal is committed to upholding ethical principles in line with COPE standards, Journal Article Reporting Standards for Race, Ethnicity, and Culture, fostering mutual trust among all participants in the publication process. The comprehensive publication ethics policy can be found on the journal’s website:

  1. Authorship and Author Qualifications: As per Sumy State University publication policy and COPE principles, an author or co-author is defined by the Council of Science Editors (CSE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Authorship criteria, as per the ICMJE Recommendations 2019, are detailed in the Authorship and Contributorship section. The document also provides guidance on identifying other contributors, their rights and responsibilities, author contribution determination, and role identification according to COPE and CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy.
  2. Methods of Handling Complaints and Objections: The Complaints Policy outlines the types of complaints received, complaint procedures (COPE-compliant flowchart provided), and where to file complaints and appeals. The Editorial Board promptly acknowledges complaints, informs complainants of the review timeframe, and objectively reviews and resolves ethical violations. Authors have the right to refute allegations during the review process.
  3. Conflicts of Interests: The Conflicts of Interest describes potential conflict instances, providing each involved group (authors, editorial board members, editors, and reviewers) with steps to avoid, report, and resolve conflicts of interest. The document details how and what conflict of interest statements and disclosures should be submitted, covering financial interests, personal relationships and beliefs, academic competition, unpaid author status, membership in professional organizations, political or religious preferences, and institutional affiliations.
  4. Reproducibility and Reliability: The journal encourages transparency in data and research methodology, emphasizing the need for reproducibility. Authors must attach open data and a comprehensive description of the experiment (raw data, methods, and results). Misrepresentation of data or use of unverified information is considered unethical.
  5. Ethical Oversight: The journal adheres to COPE’s definition of “ethical oversight,” covering consent to publish, publications on vulnerable populations, ethical research conduct involving animals and human subjects, handling confidential data, and business/marketing practices. Further details can be found in the Ethical Oversight.
  6. Authorship and Deployment of AI or AI-Assisted Technologies. Marketing and Management of Innovations adheres to the ethical guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technology in manuscript preparation. Tools like ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) do not meet the criteria for authorship and, as such, cannot be credited as authors on manuscripts. In cases where AI or AI-assisted tools have been employed in the manuscript preparation process, authors are required to make a comprehensive declaration in the cover letter during the submission process, providing ample details. Additionally, authors must ensure transparency regarding the use of these tools by delineating the methodology in the “Materials and Methods” section and acknowledging the product specifics of the AI tool in the “Acknowledgments” section. Authors bear the full responsibility for the originality, validity, and integrity of the manuscript content, encompassing any contributions from AI or AI-assisted tools. A meticulous review is essential to ensure that the content aligns with all ethical policies set by Marketing and Management of Innovations. The Editorial Office retains the right to request additional information.
  7. Intellectual Property: Authors reporting human or animal experiments must comply with ethical standards, and all articles are published under a Creative Commons CC BY license. The use of previously published information is regulated, and the Copyright and Licensing section provides additional information on obtaining reprint permission.
  8. Post-Publication Retractions and Corrections: The Corrections and Retraction Policies enable the publication of statements for corrections, retracting, additions, and deletions based on COPE guidelines and the European Association of Science Editors’ recommendations.
  9. Inclusive Language: The journal promotes the use of inclusive language in manuscripts, discouraging discrimination based on age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, physical abilities, or other factors. Manuscripts must uphold equal opportunities and respect individual differences.

   11. Journal publication schedule

The Journal is published four times a year (March, June, September and December). The journal release schedule can be found on the journal’s website.

  1. Open access

Marketing and Management of Innovations supports the following initiatives: Budapest Open Access InitiativeBerlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and HumanitiesInitiative for Open Citations (I4OC). It adheres to recommendations of Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA)Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). It also participates in the Cited-by (CrossRef) service.

Marketing and Management of Innovations operates as an open-access publication, aligning with the principles outlined in the 2002 Budapest Open Access Initiative. According to the initiative, “open access” entails unrestricted and cost-free access to article content on the Internet, with no financial, legal, or technical impediments, except those inseparable from internet access itself. This allows any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, reference, index, transfer into software, or utilize the content for any lawful purpose. The sole restriction on reproduction and distribution is to maintain the work’s integrity, with copyright serving the purpose of ensuring proper acknowledgment and citation by authors.

Notices indicating public access to full-text articles are prominently displayed on the home page of journal’s website and alongside each article in the corresponding issue’s table of contents. The Archive provides readers with comprehensive access to all journal issues, while the “Current Issue” section showcases the contents of the most recently published edition.

  1. Archiving and preservation

Journal’s commitment to archiving and preserving scholarly content aligns with Sumy State University’s dedication to the enduring accessibility of academic knowledge. Here’s an elaboration on each facet of our archiving strategy:

  • Website Archive: The consolidation of digital content on a cloud server not only ensures widespread access for readers but also serves as a secure repository. Backups, retained for 24-36 hours, contribute to safeguarding content against unforeseen circumstances, reinforcing our dedication to data integrity.
  • Abstracting/Indexing: Inclusion in various scientometric databases and content aggregators enhances the visibility and reach of the journal. This indexing strategy facilitates seamless discovery of published articles, promoting their integration into the broader scholarly landscape.
  • Self-Archiving: Empowering authors with the option to self-archive fosters an environment of collaboration and knowledge dissemination. By allowing authors to share their work through institutional repositories or personal platforms, the Journal encourages the wider dissemination of valuable research findings.
  • Independent Institutions and Local Archives: Acknowledging the diverse needs of Journal’s readership, it extends access through collaboration with esteemed institutions like eSSUIR and renowned archives such as Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Sherpa Romeo, and Portico. These partnerships offer alternative avenues for accessing manuscripts.

The additional information on the archiving policy could be found in the Digital Archiving and Preservation Policy.

  1. Revenue streams

The financial sustainability of Marketing and Management of Innovations is primarily derived from diverse revenue streams aimed at supporting the journal’s operations and initiatives. The key sources of revenue are outlined below:

  1. Article Processing Fees. Authors, institutions, and research sponsors contribute to the journal’s revenue through processing fees. These fees are applicable upon the acceptance of articles for publication following a rigorous peer-review process. It is important to note that the journal does not impose submission or review fees. The processing fee encompasses a range of services, including editing, text formatting, figure and table preparation, as well as the overall management of the review process.
  1. Thematic Collections Production Fees. The journal generates additional income through the creation of thematic collections, customized based on individual requests from authors or readers. These collections comprise articles selected from various issues of the journal and can be tailored according to specific criteria such as topic, author or group of authors, geographic region, university, or institution. The fees for producing these thematic collections are negotiated separately, taking into account the unique requirements of each request.

The revenue generated from these sources plays a crucial role in sustaining the Journal’s day-to-day operations and facilitating its continued growth and impact. For more detailed information on relevant web-pages (Article processing charge and discounting).

  1. Advertising policy

The journal refrains from endorsing commercial products or services through its platform. However, it does provide space for the promotion of scholarly conferences, books, publications, services, and products that contribute to lifelong learning and encourage collaboration in the realms of education and science. Decisions regarding advertising content are subject to approval from publisher and Editor-in-Chief. Importantly, advertising considerations do not influence the decision-making process for publishing articles. Further details on the journal’s advertising policy can be explored in the dedicated Advertising section.

  1. Marketing and promotion practices

The promotion and advertisement of the journal and individual articles adhere to the principles of publication ethics, ensuring that information is conveyed truthfully without misleading readers or authors. Various channels, including email marketing, participation in conferences and scientific events, professional social media, collaborations with professional associations, platforms, organizations, journal partners, and other promotional activities, are employed for advertising. Additional details will be made available on the journal’s website.

  1. Partnership & collaborative engagements

The journal engages in collaborations with diverse associations, universities, and academic partners, continuously fostering new relationships. In-depth information about the journal’s partners and the agreements forged can be accessed in the Partners