Marketing and Management of Innovations

ISSN (print) – 2218-4511 

ISSN (online) – 2227-6718

Registered in the Media Registrants-Register

Identifier in the register: R30-01179 Decision dated August 31, 2023, No. 759

The language of publication is English. 

Issued 4 times a year (March, June, September, December) since 2010

Business Model: Golden Open Access | APC Policy

Editor-in-Chieff             View Editorial Board

Oleksii Lyulyov

Sumy State University | Ukraine

Digital archiving and preservation policy

The Publisher and Editorial Board view digital archiving and preservation as a comprehensive set of processes and actions designed to safeguard digital information and ensure its unrestricted availability over an extended duration. The journal is committed to ensuring continuous access for readers to all available digital content.

Website archiving

The publisher and the Editorial Board employ a unified cloud server for storing data, housing all digital content of the journal in XML and PDF formats. This server is accessible around the clock, and any malfunctions are addressed within a timeframe of 24-36 hours.

The Sumy State University copyright statement

The website and its content are the exclusive property of Sumy State University, and all copyrights are safeguarded in compliance with prevailing legislation. Utilization of site materials is permissible solely with the explicit permission of the owner. Any alteration of the content is deemed a violation of the owner’s copyright. Visitors to the website are expressly forbidden from using third-party devices or programs that could modify the website’s content.

Copying, distributing, and reproducing site content is allowed only upon obtaining the owner’s consent. Requests for permission can be submitted via the following email address:

Abstracting/Indexing services

Journal is indexed by Web of Science (ESCI), Index Copernicus Journals Master List, Google Scholar, WorldCat, etc.


The policy of Marketing and Management of Innovations permits authors to upload a preprint of their submitted paper (prior to reviewing and editing) to any electronic platform. In doing so, authors are required to acknowledge the Marketing and Management of Innovations and its publisher, Sumy State University, in the text of the preprint. The acknowledgement should be formulated as follows: “This is a preprint of a paper submitted to the journal Marketing and Management of Innovations, the publisher of which is Sumy State University.”

Simultaneously, authors have the option to upload the postprint of the paper, which has undergone review and been accepted for publication but has not yet undergone editing, formatting, and proofreading. Files can be placed for non-commercial purposes on personal pages of authors or in repositories. In this case, authors should include in the text of the postprint the publisher and the name of Marketing and Management of Innovations, stating, “This is the peer-reviewed and accepted version of the paper, the published version of which is available on the website of Sumy State University at the link: [insert link].”[Article’s DOI]”.

Published version of an open access article

Authors are entitled to upload the published paper, which includes the peer-reviewed, edited, and formatted version, to any institutional repository or other databases. The sole condition is to acknowledge the publisher and the journal with the following phrase: “This is a published version of the paper from the Marketing and Management of Innovations journal, published by Sumy State University. The article is available at[DOI of the article].” Comprehensive details on self-archiving are provided on the journal’s website.

Independent and local archives

The Editorial Board is committed to publishing the Marketing and Management of Innovations journal for an extended period. However, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as the suspension of publisher activities, the cessation of the journal, loss of the publisher without acquisition of a new one, unavailability of the article archive on the journal’s website, etc., readers will retain access to previously published papers through local (eSSUIR (Electronic Sumy State University Institutional Repository) and independent archives (V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of UkraineSHERPA/RoMEOPortico).

eSSUIR (Electronic Sumy State University Institutional Repository) serves as the digital archive of Sumy State University. Hosted on a university server, it ensures permanent and reliable access to the scientific research conducted by Sumy State University’s academic staff and students. Additionally, it provides access to the content of scientific journals that are co-founded and published by Sumy State University.

According to the results of the winter 2023 version of Transparent Ranking by Webometrics, eSSUIR (Electronic Sumy State University Institutional Repository) holds a prominent position among institutional repositories in Ukraine, with an impressive 61,700 documents indexed by Google Scholar. On a global scale, it ranks 27th out of 3,922 institutional repositories and 38th out of 4,048 repositories worldwide. This signifies the repository’s significant contribution to the scholarly landscape and its extensive reach in terms of indexed content.

The repository of the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine (VNLU) serves as a free-access electronic archive, systematically organizing and storing digital copies of various types of documents, including scientific, reference, educational, and methodical materials. The VNLU, being the primary academic library in Ukraine, plays a crucial role in providing open access to valuable resources through this electronic archive.

Sherpa Romeo is an online platform dedicated to providing information on the copyright and self-archiving policies adopted by various academic journals. This platform offers a comprehensive database that details the copyright policies of journal publishers. Researchers can use Sherpa Romeo to easily access information about the specific policies governing the public availability of different versions of their work, including preprints or submissions to institutional repositories. This resource assists authors in understanding and complying with the copyright regulations associated with their scholarly contributions.

Portico is an independent, community-supported archive dedicated to preserving and providing access to electronic journals, e-books, and digital collections. This initiative is designed to ensure that the content preserved within Portico remains accessible and usable for researchers, scholars, students, and other individuals in the future. In the event of emergencies or unforeseen situations, Portico plays a crucial role in safeguarding the integrity and availability of scholarly papers. All papers published by Marketing and Management of Innovations are stored in the Portico service, serving as a contingency measure for various emergencies:

  • Sumy State University stops to publish articles;
  • Back-up files of Sumy State University are no longer available on other web resources;
  • The website of Sumy State University is down for a certain period of time.

The Portico E-Journal Preservation Service provides access to all preserved articles. Additionally, all versions of manuscripts, including pre-prints, post-prints, and published papers, are archived in the website archive of Sumy State University. Marketing and Management of Innovations is also featured in the following content aggregators: