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Kh.M. Bespalyuk, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine) N.I. Horbal, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine) O.V. Denysyuk, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine)
Pages: 140-151
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim is to study the factors, primarily psychological, that affect consumers purchasing behavior, and to confirm the need for a comprehensive approach to the formation of pricing tactics.
The results of the analysis. The essence of a «pricing tactics» is described and the need for its differentiation from a «pricing strategy» stressed.
Purchasing behavior of the buyers is not always rational. This is confirmed by the results of our survey of the impact of market factors on consumer behavior. The survey showed that psychological factors significantly affect the consumer choice: 53,3% of respondents are affected by a fashion; 33,3% – do not plan their purchases; 40% are quite impulsive; 46,6% easily change their tastes, while various combinations of numbers in the pricing of goods do not affect only 6,7% of consumers.
The key psychological techniques used in pricing tactics, such as «relative pricing», «odd pricing»; «nice numbers»; «reduced packaging»; «ascending pricing»; «percentage differences»; «grinding payment»; «bulk purchases», have been systematized and analyzed. It is stated that in order to form a more efficient pricing tactics, in-depth analysis and integrated approach are necessary.
Different types of purchasing behavior were singled out, namely rational, conservative, impulsive, irrational, status, panic behavior. The types of cognitive behavior of consumers according to the forms, functions, levels, dispositions and areas have been highlighted.
Modeling of consumer purchasing behavior according to the theory of perspective was analyzed by three methods: the effect of sacrifice; perception of gains and losses of the purchase not as advantages (benefits) of buying, but as advantages of not buying; perception of multiple winnings and losing.
The need to anticipate, simulate the possible reaction of consumers to the selected pricing tactics and to take into account as many psychological factors in its development as possible is noted.
Conclusions and directions for further research. According to the results of the survey the conclusion about a significant impact of psychological factors on behavior and consumer choice has been made. The nature, characteristics and methods of pricing tactics with an emphasis on psychological techniques have been analyzed. Different types of consumer behavior on the market and factors influencing their purchasing behavior have been distinguished. The need for an integrated approach to the development of pricing tactics, taking into account not only economic, but also psychological factors that often play a key role in purchasing, has been stated.
Keywords: tactics, strategy, pricing, psychological factors, rational behavior, irrational behavior, purchase, buyer
JEL Classification: M31, P22.
Cite as: Bespalyuk, K. M., Horbal, N. I., & Denysyuk, O. V. (2018). Psychological factors in the formation of pricing tactics. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 140-151.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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