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P.M. Hryhoruk, Khmelnytskyi National University (Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine) N.A. Khrushch, Khmelnytskyi National University (Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine)
Pages: 149-161
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article is analysis of the main methods of evaluating a posteriori the effectiveness of marketing decisions, the description of author’s approaches to solve the task and define the practical aspects of their application in activity of domestic enterprises.
Results of the analysis. The calculation of estimates of the posteriori effectiveness of marketing decisions is proposed to carry out with considering the criteria of functionality and performance. The functionality reflects the degree of achievement of the main goal at a certain time. The performance reflects the degree of implementation of marketing plans and goals with the transformation them into concrete results.
We propose an approach to assess a posterior efficiency solutions based on complex index of effectiveness. Taking into account both the different units of measurement of quantitative indicators and complexity of their transformation to the measure of the value, existence of non-metric indicators, constructing the complex index will carry out considering a comparison of actual and planned values of indicators.
Partial complex index for set of quantitative indicators is calculated by the additive convolution considering weight ratio indicators and their planned and actual values. The set of non-metric indicators is transformed to the dichotomous form with further calculation of partial index by additive convolution as well. The overall effectiveness index of the decision is proposed to define by the formula of multiplicative convolution.
Another approach to assess effectiveness of marketing decisions is to compare indices of priory and posteriori and define the degree of achievement of planned goals.
The guidelines to assess the effectiveness of marketing solutions and indicative list of indicators to solve this task are presented in the article. The proposed technique is illustrated by the example.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The success of the enterprise’s activity, especially in the long run, is determined by the ability to create new customer value, which greatly depends on the effectiveness of implementation of marketing decisions. Therefore, evaluating a posteriori effectiveness of such decisions becomes important in the context of strategic management by the enterprise.
Taking into account the lot of universal indicators that reflect the performance of marketing activities and their different nature, a posteriori effectiveness of marketing decisions it is advisable to evaluate using complex convolution of initial set of indicators. To confirm “non-randomness” of obtained effect as a result of marketing decisions it is need to apply statistical hypothesis testing. The use of statistical criteria will draw conclusions on the effectiveness of marketing decisions scientifically based and reliable.
Direction of further studies is to solve issues of quantitative evaluation of the impact of marketing decisions on changes in market value and in that context search effective ways to implement marketing policy.
Keywords: marketing decisions, level of customer’s satisfaction, profitability of marketing activities, assessment of posteriori effectiveness of decision, complex index, statistic criterion
JEL Classification: C13, M31, F61.
Cite as: Hryhoruk P. & Khrushch, N. (2017). Evaluating a posteriori effectiveness of marketing decisions. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 149-161.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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