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N.V. Mishenina, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine) I.Ye. Yarova, Sumy National Agrarian University (Sumy, Ukraine) H.A. Mishenina, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)
Pages: 319-330
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of this article is deepening the theoretical and conceptual foundations from the perspectives of formation of organizational and economic mechanisms of public-private partnership (PPP) in the system of business nature economy in conditions of decentralization.
The results of the analysis. Conceptually substantiated content of the mechanisms of public-private partnership (PPP) in the rationalization of environmental management on the entrepreneurial bases in the context of decentralization of territorial development has been considered in this article.
Nature economy as a system of the entrepreneurial approach to rationalizing the use of natural and resource potential (natural capital) on ecological and economic principles is considered as a set of actions and activities of economic entities to implement the productive processes of reproduction, adoption and realization of the most effective economic solutions concerning the complex and integrated use of natural resource potential to meet and satisfy individual, business and social requirements and needs in raw materials, social and environmental functions of natural resources with minimal costs on the principles of sustainable and ecosystem nature management.
Public-private partnership in the sphere of nature management has been regarded as a complete system of organizational and economic forms of economic methods and tools of management of partnerships between government (including local communities) and business- structures regarding the use and reproduction of state (municipal) natural capital that provides coordination of environmental, social and economic interests of businesses through a balanced and responsible distribution of spheres of management, control, risks and results between business partners in the system of nature management on the long term and strategic platform. This definition has certain features which are as follows: public-private partnership is considered as a mechanism with the certain integrated function which should provide coordination of environmental and economic interests of businesses and resolves different conflicts; public-private partnership must take into account modern principles of decentralization of the nature economy; also it takes into account current trends concerning capitalization of natural resources.
The principles of the formation and implementation of public-private partnership mechanisms in relation to the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection have been defined, and the main advantages of their application have been indicated. The main mechanisms (forms) of partnership between the state (territorial community) and business-entrepreneurial structures in the context of capitalization of regional natural resources have been characterized. The necessity of achieving ecological and economic self-sufficiency of nature management at the level of territorial communities has been substantiated.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. In terms of institutional changes in the direction of power decentralization, local government reforms, which cause the effective participation of local communities in the implementation of nature economy and redistribution of natural resources, the development of mechanisms of public-private partnership is updated. State (municipal) ownership of natural resources and lack of estimate-budget financing of natural-economic and environmentally oriented infrastructure objects, socio-environmental and economic problems of regional nature economy lead to the use of a wide range of existing forms and mechanisms of public-private partnership. The development of PPP in the nature economy (nature management) is a necessary foundation of ecological and economic sustainability of territorial communities.
Further research on this issue should be directed to specification and detailization of public-private partnership mechanisms taking into account the specificity of organizations and environmental projects, natural capital and strategic objectives of the nature economy in conditions of decentralization.
Keywords: nature management, nature economy, public-private partnership, mechanism, natural resources, natural capital, entrepreneurship, decentralization, ecological and economic self-sufficiency of nature management of territorial communities
JEL Classification: Q21, R13.
Cite as: Mishenina, N., Yarova I. & Mishenina, H. (2017). Development of mechanisms of public-private partnership in the sphere of nature management in conditions of decentralization. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 319-330.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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