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S.H. Nezdoyminov, Odessa National Economic University (Odessa, Ukraine) N.M. Andryeyeva, Odessa National Economic University (Odessa, Ukraine)
Pages: 205-212
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. Determination of the problems associated with the operation of water transport enterprises, influencing the development of tourist flow in the regions of Ukraine. Investigation of the relationship between the problems of the cruise ports of the Black Sea regional infrastructure and related sectors of the economy, defining the nature of the impact of tourist traffic factors to ensure the competitiveness of the water transport enterprises.
The results of the analysis. In the process of this study the authors used methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction (used in determining the factors that affect the tourist flows in the regions of Ukraine), systematization and generalization (to clarify the problems of port infrastructure modernization and development of measures to ensure the service of tourists on water transport, systematization of the key aspects of the development of tourist traffic in the coastal regions, and in general on the waterways of the country).
Systemic problems in the functioning of water transport enterprises are determined. Inner connections have been established between the problems of modernization of the water transport sector in the region and the process of activating of tourism movement. Economic instruments for regional development of the cruise tourism are proposed. Water transport sector, which included leading role of commercial sea port, in most countries with access to the sea and ocean routes, operating more efficiently than other sectors of the national economy. Positioning of Ukraine as a maritime state requires a consideration of global trends of world maritime trade and keeping of integration processes in the tourism market, taking place in regions of the state. The need of the domestic transport sector and port infrastructure dictated by the high profitability of tourism market through recognized competitive advantages of waterway transport (environmental friendliness, low cost, investment attractiveness, etc.).
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The scientific novelty of the research is the identified system of measures to ensure the revitalization and development of the tourist movement at the enterprises of water transport in the regions of Ukraine and influence the formation of the investment attractiveness of the industry and the regions as a whole. Determining the nature of the links between measures to modernize the infrastructure of cruise tourism and the management of competitiveness of the regional tourism product allows to create an effective regional tourist flow control system in the coastal regions of the country.
The results can be used for further research in this area, as well as in the practice of shipping companies as an integral element in the formation of investment strategies, as well as local governments to improve management of tourism flow and competitiveness of the regional tourism product.
Keywords: tourist flow, water transport companies, region, investments, infrastructure of cruise tourism
JEL Classification: L83, L92, O18, R41, R58.
Cite as: Nezdoyminov S. & Andryeyeva, N. (2017). Studies of tourist traffic on the water transport in Ukraine. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 205-212.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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