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Ya.V. Panas, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine)
Pages: 193-204
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is the development of the methodical approach to implementation of controlling innovative activities into the practice of industrial enterprises management.
The results of the analysis. The author justifies a need for application of controlling innovative activities (CIA) at industrial enterprises. The methodical approach to implementation of CIA into the practice of industrial enterprises management, which basis on the double contour scheme of acceptance and realization of administrative decisions in the field of innovative activity has been developed. The author concludes that this process should consist of five stages. A detailed effectiveness evaluation of management systems with identifying of an ability to realize an innovative capacity and providing of the appropriate level of profitability should be conduct on the first stage (making the decision about a need for CIA implementation). The second stage is identifying the foundations for CIA: mission, objectives, principles and functions. The third stage of CIA implementation is the improvement of the systems of acceptance and realization of administrative decisions in the field of innovative activity based on controlling. It includes making essential changes in a work of organization and information systems of the functioning of Ukrainian innovation active enterprises. The fourth stage involves the adaptation of the personnel of the other departments to work under the conditionals of CIA using; selection of personnel for providing of the effective functioning of CIA in the company and making changes into the organizational structure of the company, involving the CIA using. The fifth stage of CIA implementation consists of two components. The first one provides control and analysis of the implemented measures of improvement of organizational and informational components of the acceptance and realization of administrative decisions in CIA. The second one is a launching of feedback mechanism at the enterprise. The author has given complex of proposals and recommendations for each stage of CIA implementation into the practice of industrial enterprises management that can improve the functioning of innovation active enterprises.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The study demonstrated forming systems of innovation management based on the double contour scheme of acceptance and realization of administrative decisions with CIA using makes it possible to:
– clearly define the limit of influence and the degree of responsibility of each workplace for the goal of the company;
– optimal dispense management efforts of a management system of the company in two contour of responsibility – acceptance and realization of administrative decisions.
Controlling innovative activities, as the main element of the proposed control scheme of management will contribute to minimizing the number of intuitive administrative decisions, accordingly increasing the proportion of rational administrative decisions.
When complex of application controlling tools are complexly used, the effective information field is created. It helps to make administrative decisions, which promote enterprise development under a difficult competitive environment of modern technological changes.
The effective using of recommended model of CIA implementation into a practice of Ukrainian industrial enterprises managing cannot be without a development of principle and job description of the direction and members of the department (service) controlling.
Keywords: innovative activities controlling, administrative decisions, competitiveness, organizational and information system of management, efficiency
JEL Classification: M10, O30.
Cite as: Panas, Ya. (2017). The model of implementation of controlling innovative activities into the practice of industrial enterprises management. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 193-204.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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