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H.O. Shvindina, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)
Pages: 180-192
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to investigate, analyze and generalize the current trends in the strategic management in the certain chronology from the Resource-Based Concept to the Coopetition, with segregation of the main findings of the previous researchers and generalization of the opportunities to implement formed concepts and approaches at Ukrainian enterprises.
The results of the research. The base of the analysis were Resource-Based View, Concept of 5Ps by Henry Mintzberg, Value Chain Concept by Michael Porter, Stakeholder Approach to Strategic Management, offered by Edward Freeman, Concept of Core Competences by G. Hamel and C.K. Prahald, the model of open innovation of H.W. Chesbrough and Coopetition Model of A. Brandenburger and B. Nalebuff. Historical overview allows to evaluate the contributions of every concept into the strategic management development and to compare their usability under modern market conditions.
The analysis of the coopetition literature revealed just a few Ukrainian papers on this topic. This research is focused on the works on Coopetition which had not been presented in Ukrainian academic scholar community before. The preconditions of the appearance of coopetition were analyzed through the investigation of the evolution in the filed.
The paper is constructed in the certain chronology to reveal the most influential approaches into current understanding of the competitive advantage nature. The research starts with the Resource-Based View and its founders and went deeper in the analysis of the Edith Penrouse’s contributions into strategic management development. She was the scientist who mentioned that abilities or competences of the firm, nonmaterial resources, knowledge and their combinations can be the source of innovations and market dominance.
Other scientists made the efforts to structuralize the industry and decision-making process to allow the forecasting and management of the future state to be possible. In this connection we should mention the concept of Henry Mintzberg and Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model and Value Chain framework.
The overview of the integral concept of Henry Mintzberg allows assuming that it can be used nowadays, as it’s general and diverse at the same time. Value Chain concept of Michael Porter gave a lot insights to the strategists; we should mention the Porter’s idea about «cohesion» became a source of synergism in the value chain later; then the appearance of Net Value concept which at some point sprang the coopetition appearance, and of course, Global Value Chain concept.
Stakeholder Approach to the strategic management offered by Edward Freeman solved the problems of the Porter’s model (e.g. the absence of the community force) by structuralizing the goals balanced zone and became one of the most well-known among the strategic and project managers. This approach was assuming the alliances with the stakeholders as an option to create win strategy.
Core Competence Theory offered by C.K. Prahalad and G. Hamel brought new paradigm in the strategic management, which had changed the focus of strategist’s attention from the firm’s resources to the firm’s core competence as the fundament of competitive advantage of the firm. They offered the resources leverage and coopetition as the ways to increase the resource mobility of the firm.
But the work of A. Branderburger and B. Nalebuff imported the clarity into the understanding of the successful strategy nature through the examples of the leading world companies. The structure of Five Forces Model assumes that to build win strategy it’s possible and recommended to unite the efforts with the other forces – customers, suppliers, companies-substitutes. But A. Branderburger and B. Nalebuff offered to go further and to unite with the competitors. This revolutionary mindset was named as «co-opetition» or «coopetition» as it combines cooperation and competition at the same time. While the companies compete at the markets, they cooperate in one or more elements of Value Chain to get the technology breakthrough. According to Open Innovation Model by H.W. Chesbrough it is the innovations diffusion required to keep the core competence or value.
Conclusions and directions of futher researches. The generalization of the theories was made that allowed constructing the comparison between concepts, focusing on their usability in modern times. Main scholars of Coopetition Research Schools were presented and the discussion about the coopetition phenomenon has been started in Ukrainian. The perspectives of using Coopetition as a strategy were suggested as one of the most promising alternatives for the industrial development. The cases of the world leading companies were presented in the paper to demonstrate the effectiveness of the coopetition strategy.
Keywords: strategy, strategic management, competition, stakeholder, core competences, value chain, coopetition
JEL Classification: D4, D21, L1, M19.
Cite as: Shvindina, H. (2017). Innovations of strategic management development: from competition to coopetition. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 180-192.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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