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O.P. Kosenko, NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine) T.O. Kobielieva, NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine) N.P. Tkachova, NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 180-190
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The main purpose of the study is to develop practical tools for monitoring and evaluating commercial potential results of creative industry and identify strategic directions for their further developments.
The results of the analysis. The article confirmed that timely monitoring of the enterprise intellectual potential and commercial possibilities of the individual technological developments can become the basis for points of growth identification, early detecting of negative trends, determining the optimal ratio of both traditional and new areas of the enterprise. The results of the monitoring process are also needed for managing decisions at both the enterprise and at the regional level of the country. So in this case we can consider very relevant the development of algorithms for monitoring and evaluating commercial potential of intellectual development industry.
It is proved that the accuracy and objectivity of the current state of the technological innovation commercial potential depends more on the potential economic benefit that is available for developers of technological innovations in their commercialization, and consumer technology in their use. With economic effect parameters developer and consumer of technological innovation generated tangential monitoring function and economic characteristics defined set of values.
It is proposed to improve the accuracy and reliability of the results to take into account quality monitoring of technological developments and commercial risk implementation. Proposed to take into account the indicators during the monitoring process Placed sponsored task performed using arctangent monitoring function that includes the integral index of a technology and successful commercialization state of the risk ,also was calculated the number of factors affecting it.
It was proved that the most efficient monitoring of commercial potential (level of market attractiveness) with technological innovation is only when using integrated (concurrent) of proposed monitoring functions.
Conclusions and directions of further research. Methodological provisions for the monitoring of market opportunities of technological innovation through the use of monitoring trigonometric functions allows us to assess commercial, consumer and qualitative indicators of the industrial property. It is also possible to continuously monitor the market and commercially innovative enterprises in a timely manner to prevent undesirable trends in both the enterprise and its market products.
For the further development of the above provisions, the authors attributed with the introduction in practice of innovative activity for industrial enterprises in terms of continuous monitoring of the commercial possibilities of intellectual technology.
Keywords: monitoring, market potential, technological innovation, commercialization, transfer, patent
JEL Classification: М21, М31, O33.
Cite as: Kosenko, O., Kobielieva T. & Tkachova, N. (2016). Monitoring system of technological innovation potential on the market. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 180-190.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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