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O.V. Prokopenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine), Dr. hab, Professor, University of Economics and Humanities (Bielsko-Biala, Poland) V.Yu. Shkola, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine) M.D. Domashenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine) M.O. Prokopenko, Student of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)
Pages: 245-259
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to develop scientific and methodic grounds to form motivational constituent of the international ecological policy.
The results of the analysis. Directions to improve activity and efficiency of the international ecological policy consist in improvement or change of the existing elements in natural management mechanism, forms and tools of ecopolicy. Therefore motivating mechanism of environmental protection and rational natural management has prior value.
One of the main points to form motivating tools system has to be increasing of the economic activity total efficiency in the country. Its achievement depends on ratio between change in efficiency of the ecodestructive and ecologically oriented innovative activity.
Authors present graphically and ground possible variants of innovative activity efficiency while using economic motivating tools of its ecologization. Authors also suggest to use curve, which describes inequality of ecodestructive impact distinguish, to determine perspectives for innovative activity ecologization motivating creation in the country. The proposed methodic approach is used only to analyze enterprises ecological compatibility, which has destructive impact on environment. Inequality coefficient is suggested to measure degree of ecodestructive impact distinguish inequality degree.
Authors investigated principle scheme to define potential of innovative activity ecologization motivating depending on the received inequality coefficient of the ecodestructive impact distinguish and type of the distinguish curve. In order to avoid subjectivity of ecodestructive impact distinguish curve one suggests to use formalized procedure, which foresees determination of distinguish curve type by results of shifting coefficient calculation.
In order to form efficient system of the innovative activity ecologization motivating one proposes to use developed map of the relative socio-ecology-economic efficient to use methods of negative and positive motivating of the innovative activity ecologization of branch, region and country enterprises, investigated by authors. The revealed dependence of motivating methods on these maps depending on inequality curve type of the enterprise ecodestructive impact distinguish and their innovative activity ecologization potential allow to determine prior methods of the ecologization motivating. If positive and negative motivating methods are greatly differ from each other by their use efficiency according to these maps, it is necessary to give advantage to those ones, which are more efficient.
The suggested theoretical and methodic approach to estimate potential of innovative activity ecologization state motivating methods may be also adapted to solve other tasks to control innovative activity ecologization. To determine motivating tools one has to calculate expected results of its conduct. The main orienting point to motivate innovative activity ecologization from the point of view of state has to be socio-ecology-economic efficiency and proper effect.
Conclusions and perspectives for further studies. Integral results of the conducted research are to improve conceptual assumptions to control natural management system in the part of international ecological policy formation, based on motivational approach. Practical value of the received results consists in the fact that owing to suggested scientific and methodic approaches to estimate motivational component in the ecological policy of the country one can increase efficiency of the management system in the natural management sphere and environmental protection.
Thus, author’s assumptions allow to investigate theoretical and methodic approach in further studies to estimate negative and positive methods efficiency of the innovative activity ecologization depending on coefficients of the ecodestructive impact distinguish curve shifting and ecodestructive impact distinguish inequality.
Keywords: ecological policy, motivating, ecologization, motivation, socio-ecology-economic efficiency, motivating potential
JEL Classification: F42, O12, O13.
Cite as: Prokopenko, O., Shkola, V., Domashenko M. & Prokopenko, M. (2015). Conceptual grounds to form motivational constituent of the international ecological policy. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 245-259.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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