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Yu.B. Dobroskok, Assistant Professor of the Department of International Economics of Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade
Pages: 99-109
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to systematize the use of marketing approaches to interaction in modern management techniques, which allowed the detailed characterization of network, competitive and innovative approaches to consolidate network main role in sales policy formation of the enterprises in the consumer sector of economics. The theory of marketing channels management does not sufficiently reflect the role of marketing interaction, strategic marketing, forming the ideological basis for the relationship of market actors and defining the strategic direction of their joint work to obtain a synergistic effect.
Issues related to the new paradigm of modern marketing, based on the interaction are the subject of attention of both foreign and domestic researchers, dictated by the need to establish long-term relationships with partners and customers. There is no consensus that there are no clear methodological tools of the use of «marketing interaction». So it is difficult to form its further development. In recent years, with the rise of the crisis, when markets were approaching the saturation state and intensified competition, the need for scientific and methodological approach to finding ways to improve relations with business partners became apparent.
The results of the analysis. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the role of marketing interaction in production and marketing of retail businesses as subjects of marketing channels strengthened its analytical component and, on the instrumental level proposed authoring system performance evaluation of the effectiveness of variants of interaction of business entities in marketing channels. Testing methodology for assessing proposed indicators will improve the efficiency of monitoring and evaluation of strategic cooperation, including equity capital of trust and authority, promote the growth of the participants arrived marketing channel. The implementation of principles of marketing channels management on the basis of power and trust can achieve maximum efficiency in terms of profit, competitive advantage of formation of long-term relationships with business partners and customers. The practical significance of the results of the study is that the presented conclusions, generalizations, models, scientific and methodological approaches can be used by companies engaged in re-engineering sales system, developing new markets or seeking for strengthen of its position in marketing channels.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The perspectives of marketing concept of interaction are reduced to the necessity of further development of analytical methods and management approaches in distribution system, taking into account the crisis processes in consumer sector of economics. Need to clarify specific problem of optimizing the parameters of interaction due to the nature of the market environment, a detailed study of the synergistic aspects of format of interaction and improving the system performance based on detailed mapping as a separate entity. In order to bridge the gap of theory and practice to improve the system of planning strategic marketing efforts to sales management system based on the principles of marketing interaction are made as well.
Keywords: marketing interaction, mechanism of interaction, distribution channels, marketing system, efficiency of interaction, marketing channel
JEL Classification: M00, M11, M21.
Cite as: Dobroskok, Yu. (2013). The system of indicators to measure the effectiveness of interaction between enterprises in marketing channels. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 99-109.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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