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Valentyn Rach, «KROK» University (Ukraine) Olga Rossoshanska, Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts (Ukraine) Olena Medvedieva, «KROK» University (Ukraine) Alona Yevdokymova, Sumy State University (Ukraine)
Pages: 105-131
Language: English
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The article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the quantification of various spheres of enterprise activity based on their system representation. The main purpose of the study is to improve the basic model of systemic economics as the basis for developing a method for quantitative assessment of the harmonious process of development of innovative project-oriented enterprises. Systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving the problem of choosing a basic model has shown that the most reasonable and developed approach is based on the model of the economic tetrad. Various authors used the model when developing indicators of balance and stability of economic systems. However, the known results were not compared, and the model was not used to describe the innovative development of enterprises. The urgency to solve this scientific problem is in the fact that in the era of knowledge economy, innovation development is becoming one of the main directions of activity of modern enterprises, which needs the scientific ground. Studying of the point related to creation of a method for quantitative assessment of the innovative project-oriented enterprises development is carried out in the following logical sequence: making the economic tetrad matching requirements of the system integrity and completeness; conducting an analysis of resource interchange in the triad of the economic tetrad; revealing the essence of the mechanism for managing processes of growth and development of enterprises; developing a mathematical apparatus to describe the dynamic structural changes of enterprises; conducting a computer experiment using five different approaches to calculating the indicators of dynamic structural changes during the introduction of innovations; conducting a comparative analysis of the results. The methodical toolkit of the research considers the postulates of systematicity, scale, harmony, and positions of qualitative mathematics and the triple convolution method. The object of the study is the selected phases of the innovation project life cycle since they determine the peculiarities of the dynamic structural changes of enterprises during the introduction of innovations. The article presents the results of the empirical analysis, carried out based on computer modelling of the innovation project implementation within six different approaches. This showed a fundamentally different nature of the change in structural balance indicators for these approaches. The study theoretically proves and empirically confirms that the proposed indicator of the internal coherence of opposite actions (chaotic and organized) corresponds to the logic of the harmonious implementation of innovation activity. The results of the study can be applied when creating monitoring and management systems for the development of innovative project-oriented enterprises.
Keywords: balance, harmony, implicit phenomena, innovation project, triple convolution method.
JEL Classification: B49, C63, D89, O10.
Cite as: Rach, V., Rossoshanska, O., Medvedieva, O., & Yevdokymova, A. (2019). System modelling of development of innovative project-oriented enterprises. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 105-131.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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