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Dirk Zwerenz, Deutsche Doka Schalungstechnik GmbH (Gemany)|University Kaposvar (Hungary)
Pages: 253-265
Language: English
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Motivation in project management is the central factor for the formation of a competent project team, the successful execution of a project. For this, methods of efficient marketing, of internal marketing, are needed. This paper describes the basic problems and possible solutions for the identification of the employees of the matrix organization in a project team. Supported by empirical studies (expert surveys) and extensive literature studies, it is examined which values of the project motivate the employees to become enthusiastic about the project. The paper also examines ways in which a project can be set up in such a way that employees can identify 100 per cent with the project objectives from the outset. In addition, the interaction of social values in the project and the project will be investigated beyond the company. The goal must be that the employees in a project must be inspired for this project to grow together, to form a project team. To the company’s knowledge, social responsibility and the definition of identity brand models can contribute ultimately. A project must establish itself as a brand in the company. The project manager to do this must assume the role of ambassador of the brand values of the project within the company and outside to the customer in all consistency. He has to become a marketing manager of his project. In a further step, theoretical models for the description of the brand, describing values and high on the implementation in project management are examined. The role of the project manager as a central figure for organizational change remains at the centre of the research. We are looking for tools and methods with which a project manager can inspire his team members for the project in such a way that their motivation leads them to top performance. Similar to the buying behaviour of brand customers, who are prepared to pay considerably more for brand products than for technically comparable products without strong brand loyalty, it is argued that employees of a respected and fascinating project are prepared to do more than for a boring project without a brand. The aim is to establish the project members as part of a group in which they are highly motivated to pursue their tasks, outgrow their possibilities and abilities and give everything for the success of the project. The identification of people to a closed group (to a project or a trademark) can have a very positive effect on the individual employee but also on the whole group. However, with a high group motivation within a company, within a matrix organization, it must not lead to limited resources being used in the company for only one project. Other projects running simultaneously must not be disadvantaged by this. The aim of research on motivation in project teams is to explore the basis for an individual and measurable measure of the personal performance of a project manager. Finally, the article gives recommendations for further research on measurement methods of project success, the measurement of the brand strength of projects. From this research, a bonus model for the determination of variable and motivating remuneration components for project managers will be derived. These extrinsic factors should intrinsically motivate the project manager to market his project in the best possible way and to motivate his employees in the best possible way and to bind to the project as a brand.
Keywords: brand loyalty, internal marketing, marketing manager, matrix organizations, motivation, project management, organizational behaviour.
JEL Classification: A14, D01, D21, J62.
Cite as: Zwerenz, D. (2019). Brand management: organizational changes in project management. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 253-265.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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