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Yevhen Mishenin, Sumy State University (Ukraine) Inessa Yarova, Sumy State University (Ukraine) Halyna Mishenina, Sumy State University (Ukraine).
Pages: 229-240
Language: English
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This article substantiates the content basis of application of the foresight methodology in the forestry complex in the context of sustainable spatial forestry management. Socio-ecological and economic effectiveness of sustainable forestry is determined by the completeness of continuous and non-exhaustive use of all components of forest ecosystems, including non-market, at all levels of spatial development (local, regional, national and global). It stipulates the high responsibility of the world community, society, state, local authorities and businesses for political, institutional, economic, technological, and project decisions in the sphere of forestry management in the spatial-temporal dimension. It leads to the need for qualitative forecasting of the future sustainable development of the forestry complex, which determines the search and application of modern effective approaches to strategic planning and management of the forestry complex, among which foresight is particularly highlighted. Thus, the paper considers the key features of foresight, which must be taken into account when investigating the future vision of sustainable spatial development of forestry. Thus, the purpose of this study is to generalize and identify the features and possibilities of using the foresight methodology in the forestry complex in the context of sustainable spatial development. The particular features of nature management in the forestry complex in the process of foresight research should be taken into consideration. Existing principles and classification signs for the foresight are presented in the context of sustainable forestry. The application of existing foresight methods is implemented on the example of using the scenario approach to the substantiation of organizational and economic conditions for the formation and development of ecosystem entrepreneurship. At the same time, we have considered the application of the scenario approach within the framework of solving the problem of forest ecosystem business development. The development of entrepreneurship on the ecological and economic basis should become a qualitatively new and effective type of forestry management based on the use of advanced, innovative methods, forms, methods of production organization and combination of resources. The variable development of the use of the scenario approach to the substantiation of organizational and economic conditions for the formation and development of forest ecosystem entrepreneurship has been presented. Thus, the use of various foresight technologies (in particular, the scenario approach) will provide a qualitatively new level of constructive substantiation, in particular, the national strategy for sustainable forestry and long-term forestry programs on an innovative basis.
Keywords: foresight, forestry complex, sustainable spatial forestry, foresight principles, foresight classification, scenario, ecosystem entrepreneurship
JEL Classification: Q20, Q21, Q23.
Cite as: Mishenin, Y., Yarova, I. & Mishenina, H. (2019). Features of foresight methodology application in the forestry complex of Ukraine: sectoral and spatial aspect. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 229-240.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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