Marketing and Management of Innovations

ISSN (print) – 2218-4511 

ISSN (online) – 2227-6718

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Oleksii Lyulyov

Sumy State University | Ukraine

The Impact of Flight Attendants' Attractiveness on Perceived Service Quality: An EEG Perspective

Sahap Akan 1,*,   , Ozlem Atalik 2,
  1. Civil Aviation High School, Dicle University, Turkey
  2. Department of Aviation Management, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Eskisehir Technical University, Turkey

     * Corresponding author

Received: 05 November 2023

Revised: 08 February 2024

Accepted: 20 February 2024


Competition in the airline transportation sector has significantly intensified following the deregulation act in the United States. To remain competitive, airline companies have begun implementing a range of strategies. One of the strategies commonly used by airlines is to improve service quality. Service quality has been very beneficial for airline companies to maintain profitability and increase market share. To achieve this goal, airlines must investigate the factors influencing service quality and enact improvements and regulations based on these determinants. There are significant studies in the literature on the influence of service employees on service quality. However, there are only a limited number of studies on the influence of the service quality of flight attendants, who are the public face of airline operations, on service quality. This study focuses on the influence of the level of attractiveness (a nonverbal characteristic) of flight attendants on perceived service quality. This research employs a neuromarketing method, specifically the frontal asymmetry approach, using electroencephalography (EEG) techniques. In the experiment, 37 participants were recruited, including 19 males and 18 females, and frontal alpha asymmetry metric results were derived from electrode pairs. In the experiment conducted at the Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Eskisehir Technical University, participants also evaluated the influence of flight attendant attractiveness on service quality using a survey technique. The findings indicate a significant difference in frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) metrics between attractive and unattractive flight attendants. FFA metrics of attractive flight attendants were greater than those of unattractive flight attendants. Additionally, FAA metrics were found to be greater under favourable service delivery than under unfavourable service delivery. Furthermore, among the service dimensions, the reliability and responsiveness dimensions had higher FAA metrics than did the other dimensions. A study comparing EEG results with survey responses revealed a statistically significant difference. The findings indicate that flight attendants with higher levels of attractiveness enhance their motivation to approach, thereby contributing to an improvement in perceived service quality. Moreover, these findings underscore the potential of neuromarketing methods for validating outcomes from conventional research approaches. Based on these findings, airlines should develop policies that prioritize attractive attributes in the recruitment of flight attendants. In addition, implementing various programs and incentive systems to maintain the attractiveness of flight attendants is essential. Moreover, providing services with diversified flight attendant profiles tailored to different customer segments is considered crucial for customer satisfaction and experience. Future studies could achieve more comprehensive results by using diverse sample sizes and age groups along with different neuromarketing techniques. Furthermore, the findings suggest a high potential for applying the frontal alpha asymmetry approach in other marketing fields.

Keywords: airline industry; EEG-based metrics; frontal alpha asymmetry; neuromarketing; physical attractiveness; perceptions of service quality.

How to Cite: Akan, S., & Atalik, O. (2024). The Impact of Flight Attendants’ Attractiveness on Perceived Service Quality: An EEG Perspective. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 15(1), 178194.

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