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Authors: Pages: 188-197 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to determine the characteristics of communicational politics formation by trade enterprises in the process of Internet technologies implementation. The results of the analysis. Scientific novelty of this research is provisions, conclusions and recommendations for solving scientific and applied problems of improving communication politics by trading enterprises. The practical significance of the research results is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions allowing to form an effective communication politics in trading companies. Author found that Internet technology provides trading companies opportunities to expand the boundaries of markets for products, to provide consumers complete information about the product and to create new means for conducting competition. So, the introduction of such innovations requires companies to implement a set of measures based on chosen strategy of their own innovation. Author focuses on the need to determine the amount of costs of Internet project implementation. Variants of functioning online stores formats which differ in terms of implementation complexity, the cost of installation are described in the article. Author notes that in modern practice of marketing communications companies are treated as supporting activity and analyzed separately but not in combination with other market elements. Therefore, the methodology and algorithm of complex communication implementation require more attention. Among the main purposes of communication politics of the innovation project author includes informing consumers about the new way of buying, products range and it’s update, products quality, prices etc.; sales promotion by the new channel and creation of a favorable image of the trademark company, the formation and maintenance of consumer commitment to a new sales method using online technologies of business supporting, friendly relations between business partners and the public; motivate consumers to purchase products by means of Internet technology. Author proposes to apply the algorithm to develop complex communication when implementing Internet technologies. Another named feature of marketing politics is that promoting new food distribution channels in the virtual environment and the physical world, which allows direct the range of marketing activities on the target audience geographically, in time, as well as analysis of user behavior and optimize the budget costs of promotional activities. The third feature is the consideration stage of the Internet technologies life cycle, defining strategy and advertising-supported content ads. The author notes that the trade introduction of Internet technology as a new sales channel is the first step in the life cycle. An important feature of advertising support online retailers, according to the authors’ opinion, is a combination of traditional advertising and site promoting the Internet. The cost of organizing promotional support of the webstores author has divided into single, which arise when opening the site, as well as periodic, which serve to further periodic advertising site in accordance with current advertising strategy. Author recommends to include the cost of advertising to the site’s total advertising budget. In this case, the author recommends to attribute a portion of the total advertising budget in expenses online store, for example, the ratio of turnover. Admitted, that the evaluation of the effectiveness of communication politics methods for the outcome is difficult to count. On the one hand, the analysis of statistical information on the volume of turnover, number of visits (cash receipts) and income in the periods before, after and during promotional events enables quantify the effect of communication, on the other hand – a number of factors, both of external and internal nature – have an influence on the studied parameters. At the same time, a comparison between the same indicators, which are calculated for various communication activities, can draw conclusions on whether the election of a particular strategy. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Thus, according to the results of the analysis of enterprises’ main peculiarities the communication politics in implementing innovative methods of trade in the form of Internet technology, author proposed a number of provisions for handling communication strategy for the trade enterprises. The results can be used by business entities in the development and implementation of innovative projects with introduction of Internet technology and to assist in solving optimization problems of strategic planning complex communication activities of commercial enterprises. Given trends in the spread and development of information technology in the world, it can be argued that the prospects for further investigations require analysis and study of efficient mechanisms for implementing Internet technology by trade enterprises. Keywords: communication politics, innovation, Internet technology, trade, food, advertising Cite as: Shovkovaya, E. (2013). Formation of communication politics in the innovative projects by food trade companies. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 188-197.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine