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Authors: Pages: 90-99 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. In the article the urgency of differentiation of concepts «marketing potential» and «marketing resource» is examined. The appropriateness of marketing resources allocation into a separate part of the resource base of innovation-directed enterprises is defined. Theoretical bases of marketing resources management for innovation-oriented enterprise are investigated. The author’s approach to classification of marketing resources and formation of principles of their management is offered. The purpose of this work is to improve theoretical principles of marketing resources management in enterprise’s innovative development. The results of the analysis. In the article the content of marketing resources is depth. It is based on a comparative analysis of the nature and content of «marketing potential» and «marketing resources» concepts. According to the article marketing resources are considered as means of any type of enterprise, allowing forming an effective system of ideas and products’ (services) creating, their pricing, promotion, distribution and contributing to improving of enterprises’ image and customer loyalty. It is determined that the main difference between marketing potential and marketing resources is that marketing resources actually exist in the enterprise, and the potential is a consequence of how this resource will be used during production. In this article marketing of innovative activity is explored. It primarily includes marketing strategies of enterprise’s development and programs of their realization, possession of a certain market part (segment), formed base of existing and potential customers, availability of existing and potential business relationships, enterprise’s image, brand of products, trade/commodity mark, availability and work with special marketing computer programs, etc. Marketing resources in the context of enterprises’ micro- and macroenvironment are considered. The paper presents marketing resources’ classification that allows to innovation focused enterprises to manage their own marketing resources to ensure their competitiveness. In particular, following features are highlighted: character of formation, degree of processing completeness, level and criterion of implementation, way of reference. Thus, according to degree of processing completeness marketing resources are: fully processed, partially processed, and not processed. For level and criterion of implementation marketing resources are fully implemented, partially implemented, not implemented or will be implemented in the future. By criterion of realization marketing resources are differentiated on products or on the enterprise as a whole. On the way of reference it is allocated by means of indicators of their activity, forecasting of activity and the system approach to estimation (complex). On the way of marketing resources reference it is allocated by means of indicators of their activity, forecasting of activity and the system approach to estimation (complex). There are two types of marketing resources: material and immaterial – in microenvironment of innovation oriented enterprises. Material resources include: research and methodological base, professionals, using of scientific and technological achievements, computer programs that assist in the information processing. Immaterial resources include: enterprise image, formed portfolio of orders, base of existing customers and existing business partners, access to information, strategy and program of development, availability of well-established distribution channels, non-standard thinking. Macroenvironment includes such segments as demographic, economic, environmental, technological, political and social consciousness. Conclusions and directions of further researches. The procedure and principles of marketing resources management in conditions of the enterprise’s innovative development are researched. So, the authors identified the following principles based on the rule 5Р-4S-5C: 1) prognostication, purposefulness, planning, poise, pliability; 2) systematic, stimulation, speedily, standardization;3) concordance, сreativity, circumstantiality, chance, calculation. Thus, the received results contain both theoretical and practical novelty, which consists in the author’s approach to marketing resources’ control system formation in innovative activity of enterprises working on a domestic market of commodity and services. Keywords: enterprise resources, marketing resources, marketing resource management, innovative activities Cite as: Belovodskaya E. & Kovalenko, Ya. (2013). Marketing resources management in conditions of domestic enterprises’ innovative development. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 90-99.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine