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Authors: Pages: 85-94 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to establish the essence and the components of holistic marketing concept, to analyse the main drawbacks of the existing structural models of holistic marketing and to develop more reasonable conceptual model of holistic marketing in the modern business environment. The results of the analysis. The theoretical significance of the research is that the investigation raises problems related to using innovative marketing technologies in business activities of industrial enterprises in modern economic conditions. One of such technologies is a holistic marketing concept. The author supplements the researches of scientists improving the terminology of this issue, systematizes and compares the views of scientists on definition the essence of the category of «holistic marketing» and the constituent elements of the concept. The practical value of the results of research is in the development of scientific and applied positions of holistic marketing concept, which can be used by modern industrial enterprises. The author investigates the structure and orientation of holistic marketing concept, analyses its main elements and proves, that using the holistic marketing concept in economic activities of industrial enterprises gives them additional competitive advantages, helps to generate revenue and significantly improves the efficiency of their functioning through synergy. The article also contains the analysis of the existing in economical literature scientific approaches to the construction of the structural model of holistic marketing and their main disadvantages. The author argues that researchers do not pay enough attention to the construction of the structural model holistic marketing. There are scientists who look into this question, but most of them represent holistic marketing as a set of its elements, in the form of 4 concepts that shape it. But according to the author of the article such model of holistic marketing has several disadvantages such as: firstly, holistic marketing appropriately may be represented as a system that contains described components, not as concepts that form the holistic marketing; secondly, this model shows no relationships between the constituent elements of holistic marketing, while in the opinion of the author they are present there; thirdly, holistic marketing is represented as a set of specific concepts, but their orientation is not described; fourthly, most of researchers do not specify the functional participation of each component in the holistic marketing. So the scientific novelty of the article is that its author suggests an own vision of modern model of holistic marketing, which is more reasonable in modern economic conditions. According to this model holistic marketing consists of four concepts: customer relationship marketing, social-ethical marketing, integrated marketing and internal marketing. It combines orientation of all concepts that shape it, forming a complete sphere (space) of orientations of holistic marketing. Besides holistic marketing is aimed directly at the centre of focus. It is a place where the interests of all stakeholders are intersecting and require consistency. The conceptual categorical apparatus of holistic marketing is improved including an own definition of holistic marketing which is presented by the author. The theoretical and applied positions of using the concept of holistic marketing in economic activities of industrial enterprises have got the further development. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Thus the results of the investigation show that the concept of holistic marketing is a complex approach to marketing support of business activities of industrial enterprises. This approach helps to achieve satisfaction and reconciling the interests of a fairly wide range of people by combining different in their focus marketing concepts into an integrated system. However using the concept of holistic marketing in economical practice of industrial enterprises will create an innovative mechanism of regulation of industry enterprises’ activities that can respond flexibly to changing market factors, combining innovation activities and the latest marketing tools. Keywords: holistic marketing, customer relationship marketing, social-ethical marketing, integrated marketing, internal marketing, industrial enterprise. Cite as: Borzakovska, L. (2013). The concept of holistic marketing: the essence and the theoretical basis. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 85-94.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine