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V.M. Melnychuk, PhD Student of the Department of Management of National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Pages: 110-121
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The article investigates the package customer value mechanism formation as the primary product of flexographic enterprises. The printing companies that use fleksohafic prints and flexographic enterprises have become important issue of creating customer value in the sphere of packaging for food industry.
The purpose of this paper is to study the characteristics of the implementation and development of the package customer value mechanism.
The results of the analysis. The result of scientific research is author’s definition: «the product customer value mechanism is a system of integrated management, marketing and economic complex of tools which influence the value creating process, contribute to the manufacturer and customers relations development, increase customer loyalty and mutual benefit, which leading to manufacturer activities economic performance improving».
Within the systematization of theoretical foundations of customer value of goods it is possible to identify four its components: material, service, emotional and social) that are the basis of package customer value mechanism formation.
Material value of packaging is formed by flexographic companies basing on production management and quality management principles. Service customer value of packaging is formed by creating optimal conditions for work with customers and development of appropriate relationships with industrial customers. Emotional value is associated with flexographic companies’ activities on the principles of marketing cooperation. The social value of the packaging is considered from the point of the main packaging characteristics for society.
Methodical basis of the package customer value mechanism formation is a complex approach which takes into account its multiattributive and a lot of stages of its content filling. The number of stages of package customer value depends on the number of links in the production of the final product which actually designed packaging. Final and binding element in the chain assessment is packaged of product.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Improving the package customer value mechanism for flexographic companies is a complicated process that requires not only understanding of its content system approach but also a detailed study and analysis of the customer value processes creating and connections between these processes. The study of the package customer value mechanism formation by flexographic companies determined that not only all the flexographic companies occurrence and processes involved in the packaging customer value creation, but other members of the value chain, as well as consumers (industrial and final). Moreover, it should take into account the complexity of package customer value mechanism formation. The author indicates the necessity of its construction not only using logical methods, but clear mathematical and econometric tools as well that are the basis for further research.
Keywords: customer value, customers` value mechanism formation, material value, service value, emotional value, social value, summary value, total value
JEL Classification: M00, M11, M31.
Cite as: Melnychuk, V. (2013). The implementation and development features of packaging customer value mechanism formation. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 110-121.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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