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Authors: Pages: 133-142 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. Necessity of development and implementation of the strategy of innovative development in the service industry has been proved. The structure of control mechanism improvement of service industry on the principals of marketing has been proposed and the prime factor limiting possibilities of marketing technologies development in the service industry have been specified. A role and significance of marketing instruments for innovative development of service industry as well as the prime factors of the marketing system influence on development of this branch have been determined. The proposed recommendations are base ones in formation of optimal managerial solutions as for the following development of enterprises in service industry. The results of the analysis. Progress of market attitudes in our country in many respects depends on formation of service economy within the limits of which a major factor defining effect, capacity at the most is to satisfy the requirement of the consumer. Today the role of area of services increases owing to creation of the certain social and economic conditions. They have resulted from scientific and technical progress, significant growth of labor productivity in manufacture of material benefits, as well as variations of value and a degree of urgency of satisfaction of various demands of a modern society. In this connection questions of influence of area of services on progress of a national economy or region, as well as methods of an assessment and increase of social and economic potential of service economy are very actual. Service industry development is impossible without development of such unified strategy of the development of service industry and its branches, which would provide the most effective solving of the existent problems. The unified strategy of development can be described as the strategy consisting of private development strategies of separate directions of service industry. The negative factors of problem existence which were separated in the analysis process have their own features for each one. Thus development management stipulates unity of the purpose, object, subject and organizational form. Integration of separate strategies provides overall strategy of the properties change of the elements of investigated problem system, creating various associations in the form of alternative variants of the overall strategy. Innovation strategy has significant importance for development in these conditions. Innovation strategy assumes acquisition of competitive advantages with the help of creation of principally new services or satisfaction of existent or potential consumers by new services. At present day of innovations implementation there is a severe problem of service market development in general because of lack of interference in other words system functioning is decomposed into components and mutual influence of separate market factors of development is reduced and marketing approach entirety is destroyed. Formation of the control mechanism of service industry development requires distinct subsequence of organizational activity involving specialists, analysts and professional executives which is the first-order conditions for effective functioning of the mechanism that facilitates the development of branches and enterprise of service industry. The like approach stipulates realization of marketing functions which have multipurpose content: carrying-out management of development programmes of branches and enterprises of service industry, services quality management, expenses regulation and resources management; improvement of management; management of social development of enterprises personnel. Work with developments of marketing systems, analysis of market opportunities, selection of target markets require presence of managerial systems with orientation to marketing which executes functions of information management, planning, organization of marketing activity and marketing control. Taking into account that service industry distinguishes by a wide branch orientation, the system of marketing management can functionate along with strategical management that enables to provide development in various branches and areas of management. Conclusions and directions of further researches. The scientific results, conclusions and recommendations in development of the innovative development strategy of service industry have been obtained, the principal trends of the marketing instruments used for increase of effectiveness of service branch development in general have been determined in this paper. Their practical use allows: implementation of the modern instruments into poorly reformed national service sector; to increase volumes of output of services due to improvement of the process of service rendering and satisfaction of consumers wants in full; to form a set of marketing measures for separate enterprises of service industry and by means of this to execute change-over to innovative development scenario. Keywords: social and economic development, service industry, innovative strategy, marketing approach JEL Classification: L80, M21, M31. Cite as: Piliushenko V. & Arakelova, I. (2013). Strategy of innovative service industry management on the basis of marketing approach. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 133-142.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine