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Authors: Pages: 155-163 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The article deals with generalization of scientific views on the study of the essence of the concepts of «ability» and «opportunities». The author defined the essence of «innovative capacity» and «innovative opportunities». The results of the analysis. The innovative abilities of the personnel of enterprise are defined as a set of individual psychological characteristics of workers who express their willingness to mastering innovative knowledge, skills for successful implementation of innovative activity at the enterprise. Formation of innovative abilities of employees is based on innovative factors (natural conditions, physical and psychological inclinations). Subject to availability and the impact on workers of certain environmental factors (education, culture and society) is the development of innovative capacities of the staff. The innovative capabilities of the personnel of enterprise are interpreted as a set of certain conditions, circumstances, resources, sources that provide the realization of the innovation capabilities of workers in the course of innovative activity. On the basis of the definition of essence of innovative capabilities and possibilities the author developed the theory of the essence of innovation personnel potential. Innovative potential of the enterprise personnel is considered as a set of innovative potentials of individual employees. The author suggests the innovative potential of an employee to considere as complex of its own innovative capacities and possibilities, as well as the opportunities that give the afforded for active perception, development, introduction and use of innovations by enterprise. The basis for the formation of innovative potential of the worker is the innovative potential of personality. On the basis of the conducted studies and own developments of the author structural-logic diagram study of the essence of innovation potential of personnel is formed. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Basing on the research of innovative potential of personnel depending on the nature the author suggested the formation of innovative capacities of the staff and its classification. The proposed classification allocates congenital innovative potential of the staff and the innovative potential of the personnel. Formation of congenital innovative potential of the staff of the enterprise is based on the intrinsic natural, intelligent, imaginative, creative and communicative inclinations individual workers, the presence of which, subject to their further development, influences the success of innovative activities. The formation of the acquired enterprise’s innovation potential is based on a set of acquired intellectual, creative, creative, organizational and labor, business, motivational, adaptive and communicative abilities, appearance and development of which is due to the influence of environmental factors. Keywords: innovative potential of enterprise`s personnel, innovative potential of worker, innovative capabilities, innovative possibilities JEL Classification: M21, M51, M54. Cite as: Adamenko, M. (2013). Innovative capabilities and possibilities of workers as important constituents of innovative potential of enterprise`s personnel. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 155-163.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine