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O.Yu. Shilova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics of State Higher Educational Establishment «Donetsk National Technical University»
Pages: 173-180
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to propose methodical approach to formation of anti-crisis program of enterprise in transition to innovative development.
The results of analysis. The paper identifies the key provisions of anti-crisis program development, analyzes the requirements, identified in the system of crisis management. Specification of requirements for anti-crisis program showes the need for systematization of tools and methods to achieve main goals. The author notes that basic tools of crisis management program must include investment, marketing and innovative policies. The implementation of measures aimed at improving the mechanism of application of anti-crisis programs require corresponding changes in the list of key performance indicators selection of anti-crisis measures and indicators to assess the extent of the crisis phase. Formation of anti-crisis program depends on the type of crisis management. The criteria for selection of anti-crisis program are offered: the share of intellectual property rights in the assets of the company; the share of personnel engaged in R&D share of property; the ratio of new and traditional products; stability factor of innovative development; the potential of an innovative product. The methodological basis of anti-crisis measures` selection is proposed (scenario approach). Formation and implementation of anti-crisis program in the context of proposed approaches will strengthen the position of enterprise in the changing external environment.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Results of industrial activities remain low for further dynamic growth in new qualitative basis. This situation is complicated by signs of the future and the consequences of past crises. Under these conditions, when the internal capabilities stabilization entities nearly exhausted, it is advisable to use an innovative foundation for changes. It is the aim of anti-crisis program, taking into account the feasibility of innovative processes. Development of methodological approach to the anti-crisis program will be to supplement the criteria of selection measures innovative performance based on anti-crisis strategy. Establishing these criteria require, in turn, changes in the diagnostic process of the enterprise by supplementing financial performance indicators of innovative activity. Further development of the proposed methodological approach will require justification indicators of innovative activity that should be included in the diagnostic process of the enterprise` crisis. This will facilitate the development of criteria for the assessment of the crisis on the basis of innovative component of crisis management. Taking into account these aspects will make possible future development of typical anti-crisis programs for companies of different legal forms of economic activity, forms of ownership. It will also help enhance innovation processes by setting goals to strengthen the position of the company and prevent its elimination in the long run.
Keywords: enterprise, crisis, strategy, anti-crisis program, innovation, development
JEL Classification: L10, M21, O31.
Cite as: Shilova, O. (2013). Developing of enterprise`s anti-crisis program in conditions of innovative development. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 173-180.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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