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Authors: Pages: 181-189 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The aim of the study is to identify areas of research and innovation costs that significantly affect the effectiveness of innovation. The results of the analysis. The author proposed to consider the following performance indicators of innovation in Ukraine: the number of implemented new processes, the number of implemented low waste and resource saving processes of innovative products, the number of new types of equipment, the volume of sales of innovative products. There are two factors that can affect on indicators of innovation activity: the cost of scientific and technical work and the cost of business innovations` implementation. The first factor «cost of scientific and technical work» is for reporting statistical classification of such structural subfactors: the cost of basic research, the cost of applied research, the cost of development, the cost of research and technical services. The second factor «companies’ cost on innovation» has other four structural subfactors: research and development, the acquisition of other external knowledge, acquisition of machinery, equipment and software, other costs. The study reveales that most of the subfactors that influence the effectiveness of innovation are related to scientific and technical work. The cost of non-technological innovations has almost no influence on the performance indicators of enterprises’ innovative activity in Ukraine . All directions of the cost of scientific and technical work are very responsive to volume of sales of innovative products, have a strong impact on the introduction of new technological processes and an average impact on the development of new types of technology. Conclusions and directions of further researches. The introduction of new technological processes are strongly influenced by the four subfactors related to the cost of scientific and technical work, two subfactors , which include the costs of innovation with medium impact. The average impact on the development of new products has only one scientific subfactor – the cost of scientific and technical services. The development of new types of equipment is strongly influenced by two subfactors that apply to companies spending on innovation: the acquisition of machinery and equipment and expenditure on research and development, the average impact of having all four subfactors related to the cost of scientific and technical work. The volume of product innovation is strongly influenced by all subfactors that characterize the costs of research and innovation, in addition to subfactors «cost of acquisition of other external knowledge». Keywords: innovation, correlation analysis, costs of innovation, costs of research JEL Classification: L20, L53, O31. Cite as: Yashkina, O. (2013). Innovative activities of enterprises in Ukraine: trends and factors of influence. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 181-189.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine