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Ie.O. Golysheva, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Marketing and MIA of Sumy State University
Pages: 236-249
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is development of methodology of optimization of customer capital management system for enterprises.
The results of the analysis. Thу article presents the optimization of customer capital management system which based on author’s methodology of customer capital evaluation. This methodology is based on the definition of integral indexes for resource and potential components of customer capital. The author considers the system of business relationship with economic contractors, information about economic contractors and history of relations with them, the trademarks of the company to the resource part and distribution system, communication system and image of the company – to the potential part of customer capital.
Accordingly, the improvement of the state of customer capital management is due to the implementation of complex of strategic actions to switch positions on the matrix «resource-potential». The increase of the resource base and potential of customer capital leads to increased competitive position of the company and increases the efficiency of its activities. However, increasing the level of customer capital is required costs of management actions. Therefore, it is necessity of determine of the optimal value of the result and the necessary costs to produce it.
The article presents a graphical interpretation of depending costs of customer capital increasing, results of enterprise activity on the state of its customer capital.
Going to the next quadrant of the matrix «resource-potential» is made in the direction of «up and right». It is linked to the achievement of results and additional costs. Their tentative list is given in the article.
Each transition is associated with a certain level of results and costs. It is necessary to choose that variant, when the ratio is maximum. Thus, in the paper an algorithm has been developed that takes into account all possible transitions and next steps based on the ratio of costs and results.
It was made the economic-mathematical model of dependence of the results and costs on integrated indexes of evaluation of customer capital to determine of the optimal variant of transition between quadrants. It is based on two assertions:
the value of results increasing from activities of customer capital rise is proportional (with deceleration ) to increasing of the integral index of customer capital evaluation;
the value of costs results increasing from activities of customer capital rise is proportional (with faster growth) to increasing of the integral index of customer capital evaluation.
Using the mathematical model it is possible to find the value of the integral index of customer capital evaluation that the company can achieve with the optimal ratio of results to costs. Note that this optimization task is advisable to perform with help of tools built-in Microsoft Excel (service «Solver»).
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The author formed the optimization model that allows choosing the best variant for customer capital increasing of the company by the criterion of maximum ratio of results and costs under the existing restrictions of the product price and the volume of sales, amount of financial resources and the highest possible level of customer capital. The author, using mathematical tools of differential calculus, found depending results and costs, associated with higher level of customer capital, on the integral index of customer capital evaluation. It is proposed the approach to construction of the optimization model and the econometric model improved to the economic efficiency rise of customer capital management in an enterprise. They deepen significantly the theoretical and methodological foundations of customer capital management of the company.
Testing of the results in practice, improvement of optimization model and strategic actions of customer capital management of enterprises can form the basis for further researches.
Keywords: customer capital, resource, potential; optimization model, management system
JEL Classification: L20, M10, M21.
Cite as: Golysheva, Ie. (2013). Optimization of the customer capital management system of the enterprise. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 236-249.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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