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Yu.M. Manuylovych, Assistant Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Support, Philosophy and Management of Education of Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University
Pages: 274-282
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to study the essence of the concept of competition and competitiveness. The article considers the nature and interpretation of the term «competitiveness».
In the current economic conditions producers or service providers are under constant competitive pressure, so there is always the question of survival and development. The ability to compete is characterized by economic category as competitive. Competitiveness is one of the main categories, which are widely used in theory and practice of economics.
The results of the analysis. Market economy requires maintaining a high level of competitiveness – one of the key components of success on the domestic and international markets. The term «competitiveness» is applied to the goods or products of manufacturers or service providers to the regions and even individual countries and national economies. Of course, the essence of this concept, depends on category of the use in some way differentiated, but only one is that the notion of «competitiveness» reflects the ability of the research object effectively performs its functions in a competitive market conditions. In our opinion, the category of «competitiveness» is provided by such indicators as high production efficiency, technology, qualified personnel and the ability to conquer and permanently holding its own market niche. It should be noted that the statement given by us combines different views of scholars. Some of them believe that a priority for competitiveness processes that occurres in the internal environment of the enterprise, while others hold the idea that more important is to adapt to external economic conditions. In our case, connecting link between strategic internal and external environment of the enterprise is the marketing management competitiveness.
The studies make it possible to argue that the category of «competitiveness» is characterized by the following list of properties: comparability, spatiality, dynamics, objectivity, attributiveness, consistency, taking into account the internal and external operating conditions. Reproduced warehouse properties are not exhaustive, but sufficient to uncover the theoretical foundations of competitiveness.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. It is not enough to evaluate the competitiveness of enterprises and on this basis to make certain decisions for the efficient functioning of the market. You need to be prepared for different market situations. Company management should constantly improve and manage all processes in the company. It will ensure its competitive advantages.
Keywords: competition, competitive, enterprise`s competitiveness, products` competitiveness, competitive advantage
JEL Classification: L20, M11, M21.
Cite as: Manuylovych, Yu. (2013). The study of the nature and interpretation of enterprise`s competitiveness concept. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 274-282.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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