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O.P. Pavlishchuk, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Forest Management of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv)
Pages: 304-313
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to substantiate mission and goals of marketing management at forestry enterprises and conditions of efficient implementation in market economy taking into account objective necessity of ecological social development.
The results of the analysis. Scientific and practical significance of research results is to justify approaches to improving marketing management of forestry enterprises that contribute to its adaptation to market conditions, avoiding obstacles to development of market transformation processes in forestry sector, and practical measures that are important in the context of concept of ecological social development.
Mission and goals of forestry enterprises are considered in connection with international and national approaches to protection, conservation, restoration and use of forest resources. The main international approaches to implementing marketing activities of commodity, price, distribution and communication policy of enterprises, are considered. The main ones are:
decisions on sustainable use, conservation and protection of forest resources should consider a comprehensive assessment of economic value, as well as non-economic value of forest goods and services;
ensure coherence at the international level on economic, environmental, trade and other policies is an important element in increasing efficiency of their implementation at the national level;
international trade of forest products should be based on open and transparent mechanisms to multilaterally agreed procedures and non-discriminatory rules;
having regard to adverse environmental, economic, social and political consequences of illegal logging, international and national efforts and cooperation to prevent and effectively combat illegal logging and trafficking illegally harvested timber on forest products markets are essential;
it is necessary to eliminate tariff barriers to markets and ensure appropriate prices for wood products with high added value.
Mission of forestry enterprises is to meet social needs in forest products provided reconciling the interests of consumers and restrictions of forest resource basis, taking into account ecological imperative in business. Marketing management system of forest enterprises should be aimed at achieving the following main objectives: integrated use of forest resources in order to diversify sources of income for forestry enterprises, reducing their industrial and commercial risks; integration of forestry enterprises to world environmentally sensitive forest markets by building institutional support for certification process in forestry sector; ensureing long-term contractual partnerships and deepening strategic cooperation between forestry and wood processing enterprises in improving production and marketing of wood products of deep processing with high added value on national and international markets of forest products; improving information support of decision making on forestry enterprises and increasing the role of market research in order to ensure efficient operation of forestry enterprises; setting priorities of innovative development of forest enterprises as a part of innovation policy, implementation of innovation projects with the need to balance the interests of the population, economic entities and the state, subject to environmental and other constraints in the process of implementation; improving pricing policy of forest enterprises to ensure fair competition on timber market, accordance of demand and supply of forest products; upgrading infrastructure of forest enterprises; improving communication policy of forest enterprises, taking into account interests of subjects of forest relations in order to increase consumer confidence and setting long-term preference relations.
The article describes conditions of effective realization of marketing management goals at forest enterprises. The main preconditions for realization of goals of marketing management at forest enterprises are the necessity of:
institutional changes in governance structure of forests and forestry in order to avoid duplication and combination of individual functions in system of state management bodies in forestry sector;
utilization of capacity of forestry enterprises as economic agents (to determine strategic and tactical guidance in market space, independent formation of plans and programs, choice of suppliers and consumers of products, pricing of products and services in accordance with the law, conducting marketing research, etc.);
state support of entrepreneurship in forestry in promoting economic stimulation of modern technologies on forestry enterprises; innovation, etc.;
preventive environmental protection, improving environmental and economic efficiency;
ensuring transparent decision-making on forest management, including effective implementation of mechanism for stakeholder involvement in preparation and decision-making on forests and forest management.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The presented mission and goals of marketing management compose an organizational and economic mechanism of marketing management of forestry enterprises. Together with economic, legislative, normative and other components of this mechanism, they are aimed at securing of optimal combination of various types of economic resources for achieving expected results of entrepreneurial activities, and satisfaction of consumer needs in forest resources as well as provision with economically efficient, ecologically sound and socially responsible forestry practices.
Implementation of marketing management goals of forestry enterprises requires appropriate tools that differ in their effect on behavior of economic agents, main purpose, specific applications etc. It is necessary to form of clear criteria for assessing implementation of goals of forest enterprise marketing management and accordance checking procedures to achieve the established objectives (verification).
Keywords: marketing management, mission and goals, forest enterprise, ecologically oriented social development
JEL Classification: L73, M21, M31.
Cite as: Pavlishchuk, O. (2013). Goals of marketing management at forestry enterprises and conditions of their efficient implementation in modern economic system. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 304-313.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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