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N.V. Degtyar, Doctoral Candidate of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics of Sumy National Agrarian University
Pages: 314-325
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to study the problems of funding conservation of wetlands ecosystem services and search of organizational and economic management tools of ecosystem services, which can be implemented in Ukraine.
The results of the analysis. Summary of world practice implementation of organizational and economic management tools, based on payments for wetlands ecosystem services, determine the following basic principles of their formation:
1) enter into an agreement with stakeholders payment for ecosystem services on a voluntary basis;
2) payment perform beneficiaries of ecosystem services;
3) payments are made directly to providers of ecosystem services;
4) ecosystem value should prevail over the market interests of the ecosystem services provider;
5) payment is usually carried out by a wetland ecosystem services, although, in some cases, for receiving payments may be to force a certain way of land use, etc.
The author generalized and systematized modern tools that are used to manage wetlands ecosystem services. Therefore, the author proposed to allocate financial and organizational tools of ecosystem services management into separate groups. Moreover, financial instruments can be divided into public and private (or voluntary).
The government funding instruments primarily include national (local) target program and budget, reduced taxes, duties and tariffs, government guarantees of financial transactions of wetland ecosystem services and securitization, joint financing, credit and deposit activities on wetland ecosystem services, etc.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. In Ukraine the formation of organizational and economic tools of wetlands ecosystem services managing which is based primarily on a system of payments for ecosystem services needs to take into account the following measures: conducting thorough strategic research and applied ecological, economic and other sectorial studies, conducting systematic inventory of wetland and identifying lists of ecosystem services, development of long-term national and regional strategies of recovery, support regulation of the wetlands ecosystem functions, development and formation of the national register of ecosystem services (state and local), the introduction of a pilot practice of payments for ecosystem services; application the practice of the inter-territorial (domestic) offsets and compensation on the conservation, restoration, support ecosystem services, development and improvement of methodologies to assess the economic value of ecosystem services for different types of economic activity in view of the nature of territorial characteristics of Ukraine, formation of regional balance of the wetlands ecosystem services and identifying of «donor regions» and «acceptor regions» of different types of the wetlands ecosystem services in Ukraine, strengthening the regulatory framework of formation of payments and markets of ecosystem services.
Keywords: ecosystem services, wetlands, market of ecosystem services, payments for ecosystem services, wetland banking
JEL Classification: Q34, Q50, Q57.
Cite as: Degtyar, N. (2013). Funding and stimulation mechanisms of the wetlands` ecosystem services conservation. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 314-325.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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