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I.L. Litovchenko, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing of Odessa National Economic University I.A. Shkurupskaya, PhD Student of the Department of Marketing of Odessa National Economic University
Pages: 52-65
Language: Russian
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The aim of the article. The article is devoted to the development of the concept of «integrated marketing communications», as well as its adaptation to a specific market of solar energy equipment. The theoretical development of foreign and domestic scholars in the field of IMC is considered.
The aim of the article is to define the concept of «integrated marketing communications» and use them in the market of solar еnergy equipment in an information economy. The author’s definition of the concept of IMC is given, including the achievement of synergies. The reasons for the transition to the use of modern enterprises IMC in marketing activities are explored, as well as the tendencies of their distribution.
The results of the analysis. The article identified the following reasons for the transition to the concept of IMC: reducing the efficiency of the individual instruments of marketing communications policy, the rapid growth of the flow of information and the development of technology marketing communications under the influence of the Internet, and the transition to the individualization of consumption and, consequently, to a two-way interactive marketing communication; glut similar services and products.
The study identified the following reasons for the transition to the concept of IMC: reducing the efficiency of the individual instruments of marketing communications policy, the rapid growth of the flow of information and the development of technology marketing communications under the influence of the Internet, and the transition to the individualization of consumption and, consequently, to a two-way interactive marketing communication; glut similar services and products. Trends of the present stage of development of the IMC are demonstrated.
The factors that influence formation of the IMC complex of enterprise in the market of solar energy equipment are identified. They are the goals of the firm and its strategies are used , the type of product or market, target audience and its characteristics (readiness to buy, the specific behavior of consumers, national and cultural), stage of the life cycle of the advertised goods; traditions found in communication policy of the company and its major competitors.
In accordance with the results of theoretical studies carried out by us, the concept of IMC was adapted to the market of solar power equipment companies, which was formed by a set of marketing tools included in IMC.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The authors proposed a list of marketing activities, which form the IMC for this market such as personal selling and direct marketing; PR; sales promotion; in the Internet space: contextual and banner advertising, social networks, organization of forums, portals, webinars; exhibition activities; customer club organization, training and tours.
The directions of further researches are to study the approaches to the formation of IMC for different types of markets, the impact of Internet technology on the strategy of IMC, calculation of proportionality use of marketing funds within the IMC.
Keywords: integrated marketing communications (IMC), synergistic effect, solar energy equipment, efficiency of communications, economic efficiency, social efficiency, interactivity
JEL Classification: M21, M30, L69.
Cite as: Litovchenko I. & Shkurupskaya, I. (2013). Integrated marketing communications at solar energy equipment market. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 52-65.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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