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L.M. Koval, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Acting Rector, Khmelnitsky Cooperative Trade-Economic Institute (Khmelnytsk, Ukraine)
Pages: 280-289
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The article defines its main goal as the assessment of the resource potential of agricultural sector of Ukraine and description the opportunities of its usage in achieving competitive advantages of the state on foreign markets.
The results of the analysis. During the research it was established that the resource potential of agricultural sector of Ukraine provides conditions for formation of powerful competitive advantages in world markets. In the period of exacerbation of the global food crisis the prospects of Ukraine become apparent. However, it has been found out that the state does not use its opportunities and, moreover, turns into an import-dependent country. Transformation processes that began in the village after gaining Ukraine’s independence, had to withdraw the agrarian economy to a qualitatively new level of development, however, led to the decline of the industry. Land as the main national wealth turned out to be in the hands of those who were unable to take care of it, and is rapidly losing its value. Most newly formed agricultural farms work on short-term lease that does not induce them to make efforts for the implementation of land improvements, but only provokes predatory exploitation of the soil. The problem is exacerbated due to lack of effective legal base and state control over business activities in rural areas. At the same time, there is no sense to speak about the state support, which is missing for small structures are at the disposal to close to power managers of agricultural holdings, which puts the market participants in unequal conditions of competition. The results of investigation confirmed that several of agricultural holdings, which operate in the state procure more than half of the equipment and, thus, have a higher level of productivity. Small companies have no funds for it, and this undermines their competitive position, and gives them neither the access to world markets, nor the opportunity but further development.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The analysis gives reasons for the conclusion about the ineffective usage of the resource potential of Ukraine’s agrarian sector, its actual neglect which is the consequence of unsystematic character and incoherence of define stages of agrarian reforms and can lead to a serious social, economic and ecological crisis. The awareness of this predetermines the necessity of searching the ways of urgent solution of the problems. The first steps in this direction are the following: the improvement of the legal field of agrarian reforms, simplification of administrative procedures of running business, fighting corruption and building a qualitatively new system of state regulation of distribution and use of productive resources of the agrarian sector. It has been indicated that the main task of the current stage of reforms should be the creation of optimal conditions for a substantial increase in social investment and productive capacity of the earth, its transformation into an independent factor of economic growth. The fulfillment of this task must be insured by the comprehensive application of instrument of economic and administrative methods of management that should be implemented as a part of general economic reform, and in searching the balance between which there are prospects for further research.
Keywords: agriculture, resource potential, agrarian reform, agricultural production, labour resources
JEL Classification: Q10, Q13, Q18.
Cite as: Koval, L. (2014). Resource potential of ukrainian agricultural sector and its implementation. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 280-289.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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