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A.P. Kosenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Marketing, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 29-42
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to create guidelines for establising a mechanism for monitoring the commercial potential of intellectual property in industry. The author develops recommendations for its effective using.
The results of the analysis. Objective assessment of the commercial potential of innovative technology depends largely on the level of potential economic benefit that can be obtained by: developer of innovative technologies for commercialization; consumer innovative technology while using it. It is proposed to use the ratio of these effects for the ongoing assessment of changes in the level of commercial potential of innovative technology. To do this, the author suggests using the tangent function, which allows you to carry out the monitoring procedure effectively. Determining a plurality of values of the trigonometric functions tangent, which characterizes the ratio of economic benefit to the consumer and developer of innovative technology, allows to find four specific areas. The article describes the economic characteristics of each of these zones, which allow the researcher to obtain important characteristics, which are used for the process of intellectual property commercialization.
The proposed additional monitoring mechanism puts another function monitoring to the intellectual activity of the enterprise, which reflects the quality of the complex characteristics (consumer properties) and commercial risk (the possibility of successful commercialization) of technological product. We recommend using an arc tangent function. Evaluation of integral quality index technology is carried out using the following guidelines. Intellectual property, with close on consumer qualities and spheres of use at the appropriate analogues technology market, has base for comparison. In this case it is proposed to assess the values of the complex index of the quality of recommendations by using the desirability function Harrington which most closely corresponds to the solution of the problem. For original technologies that do not have a basis for comparison, integral quality index is determined using the theory of quality control.
The efficiency of the use of mechanism of sharing monitoring functions will increase significantly. Suggested to be used using the Cartesian coordinate system. Valuations in this coordinate system are proposed to carry out using the values of monitoring functions. Thus, the calculated values of the area of joint action monitoring functions allow analyzing, evaluating and managing the state of the commercial potential of smart technologies, prepared by their developer to commercialization. Sharing monitoring functions allows continuous monitoring of commercial situations that arise on the technology market in a timely manner to prevent undesirable trends in the field of intellectual activity in the enterprise, and the target technology market its products.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The proposed approach to the study of the level of the commercial potential of technology products has scientific value, characterized by originality and novelty. It allows formalizing the process of analyzing and predicting the transfer capabilities of the enterprise developer, and can be further applied in practice developers of technology products (intellectual property) in the justification of the marketing program for the target technology market.
Keywords: commercial potential, smart technology, monitoring, industrial plants, transfer, quality, risk, implementation, effectiveness
JEL Classification: D40, M21, O14, O32.
Cite as: Kosenko, A. (2014). Market appeal intelligently evaluation basing on integral monitoring functions using . Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 29-42.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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