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S.M. Illiashenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing and MIA, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine), Dr. hab, Professor, University of Economics and Humanities (Bielsko-Biala, Poland)
Pages: 121-129
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to analyze the role and place of Web-culture in the sphere of competitiveness as a component of intellectual capital of the active organization which works in the Internet environment.
The results of the analysis. Web-culture of the organization is considered by the author as a set of knowledge, skills, experience, beliefs, behavioral characteristics and relationships of staff, motivation of their behavior, organization and management, which determine the nature and extent of perception of individual members of staff, offices, organization as a whole internet technologies (Web-technologies), the willingness and ability to effectively use them in various aspects of production and marketing and other activities, to carry its activities (fully or partially) in the Internet space in order to obtain economic or other benefit.
It is specified the place of Web-culture in the structure of the intellectual capital of organization. It is shown that Web-culture is an integral part of corporate culture, which, in turn, is a component of organizational capital, and the last is the part of the intellectual capital of organization.
It is highlighted the components of Web-culture subsystem and their elements: knowledge, skills and experience of the staff regarding the use of Internet technologies to perform tasks in their professional activities; rational organizational structure, regulation of relations and responsibilities of individual employees and departments; motivation for the use of Internet technologies (Web-technologies); presence of the organization in the Internet.
The author’s classification of methods of the organization’s activities in the Internet is proposed: the transfer of online individual life functions of the organization; transfer to the Internet of certain activities; involvement through the Internet in the organization of outside experts; initiating the creation outside the organization commands that perform particular tasks; the creation of virtual enterprises.
It is shown that Web-culture is one of the factors that allow to create and develop a competitive advantage of the organization from transferring its activities (partly or wholly) in the Internet.
The basic competitive advantages of an organization that is active in the Internet are allocated. They are: cost reduction; rapid penetration of the most distant markets; borrowing at a high level of communication with economic partners; rapid response to changes in the macro-and micro-environment; attract qualified freelancers; opportunity to form a flexible and adaptive organizational and governance structures; formation and promote the image of the organization.
Methodical approach which allows to assess the competitive advantages of formalized organization, depending on the state of its Web-culture is developed and tested on practice.
Conclusions and directions of futher researches. The results that are obtained reveal the role and place of Web-culture as part of its corporate culture to ensure the competitiveness of the organization, which is active in the Internet. Future research should be directed towards the development of organizational and economic mechanism of Web-culture forming at the organization as an intangible factor of improving its competitiveness.
Keywords: Web-culture, competitiveness, internet business, competitive advantages, intellectual capital
JEL Classification: M21, O31.
Cite as: Illiashenko, S. (2014). Web-culture as a factor of company’s competitiveness enhancement. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 121-129.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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