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L.V. Zharova, Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, PA ‘Institute of Nature Management and Sustainable Development of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine’ (Kyiv, Ukraine) Ie.V. Khlobystov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Problems of Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development, PA “Institute of Nature Management and Sustainable Development of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” (Kyiv, Ukraine), Dr. hab, Professor, University of Economics and Humanities (Bielsko-Biala, Poland) N.V. Eremeeva, Candidate of Law Sciences, Consultant, NGO ‘Committee of Justice Support’ (Sevastopol-Kyiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 176-186
Language: English
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The aim of the article. In the article the national regulatory and legal framework for environmental economics and various bylaws and regulations in the area of environmental protection and sustainable management of natural resources were analyzed. The analysis of laws and regulations concerning the environmental economics was aligned along the following main axes representing key activity areas, such as strategic planning, technical regulation, economic situation and macroeconomic forecasting, trade development, financial policy, cooperation between Ukraine and European Union. Grounded, that a major strength in the technical and financial regulation area is the presence of a suite of regulations concerning the nature reserves and protected areas and natural resource cadastres that can be adapted to meet modern needs, as well as legislated sanctions that are in place to prosecute environmental law offenders. The strengths and opportunities for enhancing the capacity for implementing the Rio Conventions were summarized.
The results of the analysis. The analysis of gaps allowed to mark out gaps threatening the implementation process; gaps undermining the efficiency of sectoral policy; options to overcome these obstacles; progress achieved to address the identified gaps. Authors grounded that Ukraine has an extensive suite of environmental laws and regulations and at the same time, the level of implementation of the Rio Conventions can be described as insufficient due to objective and subjective factors, which detailed described in the paper.
The researchers underlined that legislative reform should involve systemic changes in the legislation including general and specialized measures. General measures are those that aim to change the system of environmental legislation in general, while specialized measures focus on the improvement of specific laws and regulations that form part of this system. Conclusions concerned the range of general measures for implementation of the Rio Conventions in framework of national sustainable development policy in Ukraine. Summarized, that the Environmental Law Development Concept in Ukraine is needed.
Conclusions and directions of futher researches. This Concept should include proposals regarding the fundamentals of the environmental legislation based on the socio-economic development forecasts and programmes; justified systemic framework and principles underlying the design, application and development of legislation; justified proposals regarding an appropriate mix of laws, regulations and international treaties and internal linkages among various branches of the legislative framework (sectors, subsectors, legislative and regulatory systems and legal institutions); clearly identified regulation criteria; and law enforcement mechanisms.
Keywords: sustainable development, environmental policy, environmental laws, regulatory policy, sectoral policy, Rio Conventions
JEL Classification: F42, K32, O13, P45.
Cite as: Zharova, L., Khlobystov Ie. & Eremeeva, N. (2014). Implementation of the rio conventions in framework of national sustainable development policy in Ukraine. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 176-186.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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