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O.V. Prokopenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine), Dr. hab, Professor, University of Economics and Humanities (Bielsko-Biala, Poland) V.Yu. Shkola, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)
Pages: 197-205
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The object of the article is to create economic and organizational institutional grounds of the environmental management.
The results of the analysis. The system of the environmental management is the system of subjects’ actions (international, state, regional, local bodies, organization management apparatus) concerning objects (state and regional policy, enterprise policy, producing processes and processes of production consuming) to use natural resources with purpose to rationalize and to optimize their use. As the activity, connected with natural resources using, is the reason of pollution, the control of the processes is connected with concept “environmental protection management”. Together these two interconnected spheres of the managerial activity form the essence of the concept “environmental management”.
The system of the environmental management possesses the following peculiarities: it is open and simultaneously able to control environment impact; establishes and transforms its exist targets concerning changes in the systems of higher level; forms its own development mechanisms based on choice of evolutionary directions taking into account self-protection and homeostatic principles.
Authors suggest to observe organizational and economic mechanism of the environmental management as a system of organizational, economic, legislative and regulative acts, methods and instruments, which influence the ecological and economic system development level with purpose to achieve expected social ecological and economic results on state, regional and local levels. Therefore regional environmental management is subjected to the state control, because social and state institutes have regulative and stimulating impact on the country regions. Environmental management is subjected to the regional control on the level of the separate economy subject. At the same time the back action is observed between mentioned levels by means of information.
The environmental management system foresees to use several instruments (their actions is based on the positive and forced motivation of the ecological and economic activity subjects), which are generalized through methods and tools (organizational – are neutral by motivational impact; administrative – are methods of the forced motivation; economic and social and psychological – are methods of the positive motivation) of the ecological security on the marketing grounds.
Conclusions and directions of futher researches. To achieve qualitatively new environmental management level depends on development of its institutional provision system, which is reveled through correspondent organizational and economic mechanism activity. Organizational and economic mechanism of the environmental management is the multilevel hierarchic system. The action of the mentioned mechanism upper level is defined through state regulation and stimulation mechanisms. These mechanisms are external concerning meso- and micro-levels, and in some degree regulate market mechanisms actions. At the same time there is feedback between mentioned levels. That’s why their elements (mechanisms) in the partial planning, organization, price setting and stimulation are faced and crossed, mutually completing each other. Thus, deepen conceptual approaches concerning environmental management, made by authors, will allow to investigate innovative model of the national economy development taking into account the environmental management system institutional potential in further researches.
Keywords: ecological and economic system, ecologization, environmental management, organizational and economic mechanism, institutional provision
JEL Classification: Н79, Q28, Q38.
Cite as: Prokopenko O. & Shkola, V. (2014). Economic and organizational institutional grounds of the environmental management. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 197-205.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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