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Zabarna Eleonora Mykolayivna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Systems and Management of Innovative Development, Odessa National Polytechnic University (Odessa, Ukraine)
Pages: 11-19
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The article explores the concept of the essence and specificity of formation of the marketing system of scientific and technical products in the region. The author analyses the current state of market of innovations in the regions. The article defines factors affecting the area of activity of the research organization in the region. It offers methodical approaches to the estimation of the factors considered in the economic analysis of new products.
The results of the analysis. The analysis shows that together with consumers it is advisable to carry out the following activities:
– medium and long term forecasting of emerging trends and technological progress;
– definition of main technical characteristics of future products and their components (setting minimum and maximum costs associated with the development and release of products, terms of manufacturing and supplying of components indicating their technical and operational characteristics);
– analysis of possible changes of the costs, effectiveness and terms of creating innovations, alternative courses of action and possible risk;
– preparation of the detailed lists of requirements in materials and semi-finished products from aside;
– creation of joint teams of specialists.
Thus, the author has proved that in the process of innovation changes enterprise from a fairly closed transformed into an open system which is ready to accept external changes and rapid contact with other similar systems and subsystems that must be provided in the state industrial policy.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Оn the whole, the implementation of investigation of target marketing for industrial innovations requires researches and practical operations which effect market formation. The logic of development of modern enterprise leads to transferring the center of gravity from new model of management with is actively used among main marketing elements. Further researches require the implementation of the complex of specific marketing efforts taking into consideration distinctive features of innovation as commodity without regular bodily form of commodity.
Keywords: market, scientific and technical production, scientific and technical organization, marketing, regional development
JEL Classification: M31, О31, R12.
Cite as: Zabarna, E. (2014). Characteristics of marketing of industrial innovations in the region. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 11-19.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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