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Krikunenko Dmytro Oleksandrovych, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management and Marketing, Zaporizhzhya Institute of Economics and Information Technologies (Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine)
Pages: 99-106
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The article deals with personnel creativeness management approaches, as necessary condition to provide enterprise sustainable development. The necessity to conduct complex analysis of enterprise innovative development potential and their innovative activity level as key elements of the successful investigation concerning innovative products is described. The author identifies workers’ intellectual and creative resources and their component; demonstrates necessity to use various directions and tools to diagnose personnel creativeness in the system concerning enterprise innovative sustainable development.
The results of the analysis. The scientific article analyzes modern state of the problem concerning personnel creativeness effective management with purpose to provide sustainable innovative development at the enterprise. One observes the views of native and foreign scientists concerning mentioned problems and existing ways to solve them. There is provided that personnel creativeness management has to be laid in plane of comprehensive analysis conduct and estimation of the innovative development potential and enterprise innovative activity. With this purpose there is necessity to use proper theoretic and methodic managerial approaches. The special attention is paid to solve the problem to estimate enterprise innovative development providing and its potential with financial resources. During study there was identified workers’ intellectual and creative resources components. The carried out analysis demonstrates, that worker’s creative skills depend on each of the intellectual and creative resources components development, which are presented in the article.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The sustainable innovative development at the enterprise, based on the personnel creativeness management use should foresee to use suggested directions and tools of the personnel creativeness diagnostics. It will give opportunity to managers to orient in the existence and efficiency to use creative skills by workers while generating creative ideas, making creative managerial and engineering-technical decisions, creating innovative products with purpose of their further commercialization.
The further scientific research is to be found in the interdisciplinary plane, which provides to search and to develop more effective models, methods and tools to manage the personnel creativeness, with purpose to provide efficient innovative development of the native enterprises in various branches.
Keywords: personnel creativeness, innovative development, management, enterprise, intellectual and creative resources, diagnostics of creativeness
JEL Classification: J24, O31.
Cite as: Krikunenko, D. (2014). Personnel creativeness management as a base to provide enterprise sustainable development. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 99-106.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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