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Authors: Pages: 107-114 Language: English DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The main aim of the article is to show what kind of technologies and materials Ukraine needs, if the country starts the innovation type of its economic growth. Particularly, the author paid attention to the idea that all direction of industry in Ukraine are in need not only of new equipment, but of using totally new technologies, of implementing new materials. There is a lot of information about modern structure of the industry of Ukraine, about R & D that Ukrainian enterprises booked from universities or independent laboratories. Also the author has showed the mechanism of cooperation between plants in the sphere of R & D and processes of technological transfer between them. The results of the analysis. We can say that Ukraine has some positions in the sphere of R&D, in particular in the direction of new materials. But at the same time we can notice, that these positions are not as stronger as the basis for the economic growths. The reason is that the most of Ukrainian new technologies are not completely new: country have had these technologies since the Soviet time. Also there is one more detail: there is a difference between Ukraine scientific sphere and scientific sphere of Western countries. In the Western countries (members of EU, for example) universities are leaders in R&D, while in Ukraine the institutes of National academy of science of Ukraine play that role. At that period in Ukraine the major parts of all R & D projects were provided in the spheres of chemical science, technical science and biological science. The most important direction of scientific research is the metal science. At the same time main stream of international scientific sphere includes the directions such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, chemistry. So we can conclude that Ukraine in the nearest future will not satisfy its own needs in new technologies. At least during the next ten years Ukraine should build its innovation policy like the country, which imports the major part of new technologies and know-how. There are not possibilities for Ukraine to create totally new and totally independent infrastructure of scientific researches. In other words, during at least next ten years Ukraine will be the recipient of new technologies, and not the donor of them. There is only one chance to create some internal R&D projects in the country: it is to combine the most successful national labs in one society (or association), and to concentrate all government resources in a few directions, where Ukraine has already got some success. Also there is a necessity in the country to organize reforms of all national sphere of research, and to find new organizational model of innovation end researches of infrastructure. We can speak about the position of Ukraine in international markets of high-tech productions like about the position of the country which proposes (to sell) only a few names of goods, and which buys all needed things to support innovation activity inside the country. Now Ukraine buys all products: know-how, new technologies, equipment, machines, etc. But we can affirm that at this time only countries, which provide innovation activity, have a chance to stay in the market as providers of difficult productions. It means that if Ukraine does not change its innovation policy, it will stay middle-development country with agricultural economy and will not propose to the international market complex and expensive goods but only some simple metals products. There is a different situation in international market of high-tech services and intellectual products. Here Ukraine keeps a strong position in the market of software. The Ukrainian market of software has a lack of demand, so the major part of Ukrainian software companies work with outsourcing. The problem is that the most part of economic workers in this sphere work illegally: firms officially show to tax office minimally indicators, and work unofficially. They use cash for such case. At the same time the most part of programmers work also unofficially, like freelancers. The important question for all Ukrainian enterprises is the question of modernization. At first this is important because the country consumes much more energetic resources than European countries do. And this is the reason why local actors have less level of competitiveness. Secondly, Ukrainian enterprises use equipment with high level of deterioration, and they can improve it only by using technologies from the international market. There is an idea, that Ukraine will have significant economic growth only if it has got powerful innovation activity. That means the national government has spent recourses in this direction (for innovation development) much more intensively, then it spends for the other directions. If Ukrainian government has a plan that national economy should rise by 5% each year, they have to increase cost for innovation activity in the country in 10% each year. At the same time it’s important to save balance in the budget: the government has to spend to R&D in the country the same sum, as the private sector does. Now we can say about proportion 60% (from government) to 40% (from private sector). It’s quite important for Ukraine to save those national labs and the most important universities, which have already noticeable R&D. But even these structures will have no future, if they are not integrated in the international scientific sphere. Ukrainian industries during next 5-8 year will have necessity in implementation of new technology from the international market. After that period the national industry will have necessity in totally new technologies, and at this moment the country should have quite powerful national researching sphere. There are some levers to support national science infrastructure. At first, Ukraine has to reform their scientific institution – Academies of Science, universities. At second, the national government has possibility to use international experience in this kind of activity: to create innovation and scientific networks, innovation centers, new researchers organization. Conclusions and directions of further researches. There are several ideas in the article, which are of scientific novelty. Firstly, the author showed actual structure of costs for science in Ukraine and main economic workers of scientific activity, and their role in the national economy. Secondly, there are found out the directions of scientific research of Ukrainian scientists, which have been the most successful. Thirdly, the author proved that Ukrainian enterprises have necessity in the principally new technologies so much as they need upgrading their production processes. Fourthly, the author showed what kind of new materials and technologies Ukrainian enterprises really need. We can point out the following theses about the prospects of further research of the theme of new materials and technologies (in particular, their implementation in Ukrainian economy). So the most promising areas are: potential of the economy of Ukraine into development and implementation of new technologies and materials; searching for “breakthrough technologies” for Ukraine (“breakthrough technologies” means the technologies, which will create competitive advantage of Ukraine in the future). Keywords: new materials, new technologies, innovation development, innovation activities, transfer of technologies JEL Classification: O32, O34, O38. Cite as: Sichkarenko, K. (2014). Some perspectives of the innovation development in Ukraine: needs in new technologies and materials. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 107-114.
Sumy State University
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