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Authors: Pages: 115-120 Language: English DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. Determination of the factors to locate enterprises for searching optimal location place, therefore grounding enterprise location place with one or several factors one should consider innovative development nowadays. The results of the analysis. The branches referring to this or that production group will always have relative character and will concern time period, because – various factors value can be changed under influence of innovation introduction. Technological and organizational changes of production with big probability impact effect its location. On the territory of some states or regions the enterprise can be built, which earlier it was not efficiently to build. Taking into account this “innovative prism” concerning enterprises location factor, we can form ten factors, which are taken by enterprises while searching their optimal location places. Direction of production attention to raw sources. The enterprises orient to be located close to raw sources and producing based due to this factor. Direction of attention to the raw sources is reasonably to conduct in the following cases. Firstly, raw procurement, processing or mining (minerals mining, sawmilling industry, fish-processing industry, etc.) enterprises have raw orientation. Secondly, enterprises, which waste a lot of raw materials in relation to final product, i.e. material-intensive production, direct their attention to the raw sources. Thirdly, enterprises, processing raw, which is quickly spoiled: wine industry, food-canning industry, fish-processing industry, etc., are closely situated to the raw sources. Direction of the producing attention to electric power and fuel sources. Highly energy-intensive productions (fuel and energetic costs component is half of the whole costs for production) have to direct their attention to close location to fuel bases (heat and power stations, petrochemical industry enterprises, etc.) or close to the electric power sources (processing of the non-ferrous metals with the help of electrolysis, electric ferroalloys production enterprises, synthetic fertilizers enterprises). Direction of the producing attention to fresh water sources. Fresh water which is consumed during producing process groups enterprises according to the factor on fresh water sources location. It comprises water-intensive industrial and agricultural enterprises. Direction of the producing attention to the cheap and numerous labor power. This factor groups enterprises, optimal location of which is place with numerous and cheap labor power. Labor costs in relation to production unit producing are determined by labor resources effect. Such branches need the man power as: instrument making industry, instrument industry, optomechanical production, electronics, machine tool building, automobile production, production of clothing, wool, silk, shoes industry goods. Direction of the producing attention to the qualified labor power. In big cities, which have higher schools and scientific and research institutes, enterprises are located, which require highly qualified labor power in the production process (machine building, plants- and rockets production, etc.). Direction of such enterprises in other places without necessary highly qualified man power, would lead to the additional spending of time and costs to train such workers or to involve them from other cities. Direction of producing attention to the consumers. Such direction of attention occurs, when final product is not reasonably to bring on large distances (bread, dairy products, chemical acids, etc.). Direction of the producing attention to places, where one may minimize costs for production producing. Such direction of the producing attention may be when costs for final production transportation are not so large. Orientation of the producing attention to the places with high qualified environment. It is impossible to build instrument building, optic, aviation, pharmaceutical enterprises in the polluted environment. Great costs must be wasted by these enterprises to create artificial space of high quality in sections; however result of such events is limited. For example, in previous places of metallurgy in German it was not financially profitable and sometimes it was impossible, to develop electronic production because of great air pollution. Direction of the producing attention to the places, where it is comparatively cheap to shorten the existing level of emissions. The enterprises with high level of environment anthropogenic pollution consider the optimal location place that, where costs to decrease emissions at the enterprises will be less. As a result of ecological direction in the state development, new enterprises are to decrease emissions analogical to their pollutions emissions on the existing enterprises, if it is cheaper there. Direction of the producing attention to the places, where danger from their work for population is minimized. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Innovative processes in time space make these or those economy branches top-priority. Particularly, in the middle of the last century the leading role was given to agriculture and textile industry, when today iron industry and transport machine building are perspective. Now innovations are introduced into energetics, machine building, chemical industry and electronics. Taking into account such fast innovative development of the formed 10 factors is enough to optimize enterprises location or search places to locate new enterprises. Keywords: innovations, factors of enterprise location, regional economy, space economy, efficient power location JEL Classification: L23, M21, O30, R30. Cite as: Franiv, I. (2014). Innovative processes impact on the factors optimal number formation of the enterprise location. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 115-120.
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