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Mishenin Yevgen Vasyliovych, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Theoretical and Applied Economics Department, SHEI ‘Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine’ (Sumy, Ukraine) Mishenina Nataliia Viktorivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administration Department, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)
Pages: 163-172
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The authors formulate methodological foundations that define organizational and innovative basis for cluster structures formation in the field of waste management. Using the cluster approach in terms of regional ecological-economic problems in the field of waste management solution causes necessity to focus on the definition of “cluster”. It should be mentioned that system of important components in the process of ecological and economic problems in the field of waste management solving, such as specialization of production, the processes of combination, concentration and association of business potentials of enterprises and government agencies, authorities, is necessary organizational and economic condition for cluster approach implementation.
The results of the analysis. The basic processes of creating integrated business structures in the field of waste management should include a system of organizational, economic, financial, social and environmental activities at different hierarchical levels of governance: national, sectorial, regional (territorial), as well as on the level of business organizations (enterprises). From these perspectives, integrated businesses focused on cooperation in the field of waste management can have a form of cluster associations. In this context, cluster policy in the field of waste management should be considered as a system of organizational and economic relations between public authorities and individuals regarding environmentally safe disposal of waste as secondary raw materials, improving the competitiveness of enterprises due to formation and development of cluster formations.
The theory of creation of the cluster structures allows to determine the fundamental differences between cluster as a business structure in the field of waste management from other territorial and industrial associations. The main tasks and principles concerning the formation, operation and development of cluster structures are represented in the article.
The structural and functional scheme of creation and functioning of environmental and resource cluster in the field of waste management is submitted. The main functions of local and regional authorities, state regulation of natural resources, social and environmental problems in the process of formation and development of regional ecological and resource cluster are considered.
Effective implementation of mechanism of the cluster interactions of authorities, government agencies, businesses and organizations to solve regional environmental and socio-economic problems of the waste management requires the creation of Coordinating Cluster Center. The existing proposals concerning the principles of creation of the cluster center are given. The composition of its structural elements, the basic constituents taking into consideration the specificity of solving environmental and resource problems related to the waste management are outlined. Specific motivational preferences of economic actors of ecological and resource use of waste are formulated.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. In terms of socio-economic and financial crisis, the creation of cluster structures including the environmental and resource cluster of the waste management is an innovative process, which can hardly be realized without the active assistance of state and local authorities which can also act as the main generating start for sustainable beneficial economic relations between members of the cluster structures.
Keywords: waste management, cluster structures, environmental and resource cluster, structural-functional scheme of the environmental-resource cluster, cluster core, coordinating center
JEL Classification: Q53, Q57, Q23.
Cite as: Mishenin, Ye. & Mishenina, N. (2014). Development of cluster structures in the field of waste management. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 163-172.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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