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Sokolova Lyudmyla Vasylivna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Management of Economic Security, Kharkiv National University of Radio and Electronics (Kharkiv, Ukraine) Veriasova Ganna Mykolaivna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Management of Economic Security, Kharkiv National University of Radio and Electronics (Kharkiv, Ukraine) Sokolov Oleg Yevgeniyovych, Doctoral Candidate of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Management of Economic Security, Kharkiv National University of Radio and Electronics (Kharkiv, Ukraine), Head of the Donetsk Regional Administration of ‘UKRSIBBANK’ BNP Paribas Group (Donetsk, Ukraine)
Pages: 30-38
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The actuality of marketing of innovations problem investigation at engineering enterprises is substantiated in the article. The analysis of existing scientific and methodical approaches to the estimation of marketing innovative and investment projects in the industrial goods production sphere were conducted. The methodic of optimal variant project choice considering the influence of investment risks and inflation was proposed.
The results of the analysis. The author’s vision of solving problem direction lies in the fact that, taking as a basis the above approach, to develop its scientific and methodical basis at the expense of the following propositions implementation:
– under the formation of the sought-for mathematical model the method of net present value corrected by inflation, risk and conditions of projects alternativeness (meaning the possibility of differences in the periodicity of their implementation) must be used;
– to apply the expert method to the choice of key success factors set and assessment of their significance with the specificity of each concrete enterprise production;
– to synthesize mathematical model for calculating complex index of the effectiveness of marketing innovative and investment projects estimation;
– to specify the selection criteria for optimal variant of the project on the basis of complex index of efficiency ranking.
For the most accurate results of assessing the effectiveness of marketing innovative and investment projects must be taken into account as probability of such projects success implementation in practice as factors influence of external environment.
Solution of the problem of modeling of the optimal marketing innovative and investment portfolio process formation based on real, alternative (from the standpoint of the project period implementation) projects is actual direction of further scientific researches in the marketing of innovations sphere at engineering enterprises.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Thus, the use of formalized statement of the problem in the author’s version in the sphere of marketing and innovative activity of engineering enterprises allows:
– to expand the horizons of the practical application of well-known method of net present value applying it to the marketing innovative and investment projects;
– to ensure the correctness of the recommended calculative methodic taking into account the success factors of projects implementation in the sphere of marketing, inflation factor influence, risk and different duration of real projects implementation.
Author’s vision of further scientific researches perspectives in this direction of study is in scientific and methodic tolls of optimal marketing innovative and investment portfolio formation development taking as a base the approach described above. The new approach implementation in practice will promote scientifically substantiated managerial decisions and will ensure optimization of the limited financial resources in engineering enterprises distribution.
Keywords: innovations, investments, marketing, project, effectiveness, model, enterprise
JEL Classification: G31, M31, O31, C61, D81.
Cite as: Sokolova, L., Veriasova, G. & Sokolov, O. (2014). To the question of effective marketing innovation and investment projects choice in the engineering industry. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 30-38.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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