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Authors: Pages: 75-83 Language: English DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The aim of the research is to develop models system concerning b2b-enterprise marketing potential result-based estimation, which will consider enterprise potential optimizing essence, its hierarchic structure (i.e. strategic, tactic and operative potential levels) and marketing resources dynamics. The results of the analysis. The simulation and optimization models system of the b2b-enterprise marketing potential estimation is suggested. The suggested models system is based on the following theoretical grounds: 1) enterprise marketing potential is interpreted as enterprise ability to satisfy consumers’ needs and to get maximum economic benefits from it; 2) the result-based estimation of the enterprise marketing potential is set of the best results (profit from sales), which sales and marketing enterprise subsystem may achieve in the prognosticative period in the view of environmental conditions variants. The suggested system unites models to estimate three managerial levels of the marketing potential (operative, tactic and strategic), which are different from each other by: the set of the given managerial decisions; the set of the changeable managerial decisions; descriptions of the environment parameters; specification of the resources featured describing. Model of each marketing potential level has the following constituents: – objective function, which is the sum of profit from production realization during the whole prognosticative period; – model of the constrained optimization, oriented to define maximum possible profit value from production realization in each elementary period with given marketing resources features values, environmental parameters and marketing complex parameters; – model of the enterprise marketing resources dynamics. Developed models system belongs to the simulation class, because search of the optimal decisions there is conducted with method concerning controllable parameters alternative variants consequent enumeration. At the same time, the constituent part of the models system is constrained optimization block. Conclusions and directions of further researches. The suggested simulation and optimization models system of b2b-enterprise marketing potential result-based estimation has the following advantages: it corresponds optimizing essence of potential, takes into account marketing resources dynamics and allows to get estimation in the view of enterprise potential hierarchic levels. The suggested models system is the instrument for estimation and analysis of the future enterprise sales and marketing abilities, comparison of which with producing and financial abilities will allow to define narrow places in the analyzed enterprise activity and increase its general potential. The given models system is a part of mathematical providing to manage future enterprise abilities. The further investigations on research area have to be oriented to build models of the enterprise marketing potential estimation in integral system concerning enterprise integral potential estimation. Keywords: enterprise marketing potential estimation, dynamic modeling, simulation and optimization modeling, operative, tactic and strategic management, prognostication of demand JEL Classification: С53, С6, M31. Cite as: Potrashkova, L. (2014). Enterprise marketing potential modeling taking into account optimizing and dynamic essence of the potential. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 75-83.
Sumy State University
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