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S.M. Illiashenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing and MIA, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine), Habilitated Doctor, Professor, University of Economics and Humanities, (Bielsko-Biala, Poland)
Pages: 11-20
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to investigate and scientifically to ground recommendations concerning choice of the rational structure and innovative process content, depending on innovative development potential in the organization and innovation radicalization degree, which provides to coordinate interconnection between SRCCW and innovations marketing at its stages for various innovative business types.
The results of the analysis. The generalized scheme of organization innovative activity is investigated. It characterizes interconnections between innovative process, innovative business and innovative strategies types. The peculiarities of the works conduct concerning innovative process distinguished types are confirmed by scheme: works essence, type (types) of the innovative business, innovative strategy (strategies), which is realized.
Recommendations concerning works conduct reasonability of the several stages in the innovative process for organizations, which have innovative business combined type, are suggested.
Essence and content of SRRCW works and innovations marketing works are confirmed at the innovative and life cycle stages of the new product.
Table of decisions is developed to choose innovative process variants, which are reasonably to realize by concrete organization, depending on subsystems constituents state of its innovative development potential and innovative product radicalization degree.
The enlarged block-scheme of the algorithm to choose rational structure in the innovative process within one or every innovative projects, realized by organization, is investigated.
The recommendations concerning estimation of the innovative processes possible simultaneous conduct with various or similar variants of the innovative process structures by formal procedures are developed.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Author’s studies together allow to increase validity and decrease risk to choose rational variant in the innovative process in the concrete organization under concrete market conditions, and also its innovative strategy type, to provide mutually coordinated interconnection between SRRCW and innovations marketing at the innovative process stages. Further researches have to be oriented to investigate innovative process control mechanism grounds at the innovative and life cycle stage concerning new product.
Keywords: innovative process, structure variant choice, innovations marketing, SRRCW, innovative business, innovative development potential, innovative strategies
JEL Classification: O31, O32, M31.
Cite as: Illiashenko, S. (2015). Innovative process rational choice grounding in organization. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 11-20.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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