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V.I. Dubnytsky, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician AES of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) O.V. Ovcharenko, PhD Student of the Department of Economic Cybernetics, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine)
Pages: 97-107
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The study is devoted to the solution of the urgent scientific and other problems the development of enterprises in the global economy and the development of the theoretical and methodological aspects of innovative management and marketing of the enterprise development innovation and market orientation on the basis of formation of the system principles of innovative development, marketing management within the processes of globalization.
The results of the analysis. It is revealed that one of the main problems for modern Ukrainian enterprises is the preservation of competitiveness and the maintenance of business activity in the conditions of the external environment which is continuously changing. It is shown that the economy of the country which wants to develop in the conditions of innovative orientation and increase of the level of motivation in organizational innovation are the main reason to secure enterprises the conditions for the implementation of innovation-marketing orientation, especially in the framework of international commodity markets.
It is proved that the company has the influence on the nonlinear nature for the development of the components of open socio-economic systems.
It is revealed that in its activity the enterprise has a high degree of dynamism and variability of the external environment, which contributes to the emergence of new laws for the development and control of nonlinear dissipative media. Also, in the global economy within the geo-space there is a place for ‘the presence of co-evolutional effects”.
In the study we have got the characteristic of cases within the framework of the need for innovation-marketing development of the enterprise. The substantive aspects of the strategic approach, which are specified in the principles system of the innovative development management of the enterprise-marketing orientation in the global economy are considered.
It is found that formation of the goals and objectives of the overall development of the enterprise within the geo-space is influenced by three components: the fluctuations of the global economy, fluctuations in the national and regional economy, as well as the limitation of the internal environment of the enterprise.
The scheme of elements interrelation of the enterprise development management system, has sub-systems: a control subsystem (a division of innovative marketing development); the controlled system (a general tool for managing the overall development); service subsystem (Department of Finance and Investment Development).
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Thus, based on the research of the main trends and characteristics at the present stage of transformation of the enterprises economic activity it is proposed to improve the approach to the methodology of management of the enterprise innovation-marketing orientation overall development, which is one of the theoretical and practical tools for improving strategic competitiveness by understanding and modeling features of nonlinear economic processes in geo-economic space.
Keywords: overall development of enterprise, global economy, innovation-marketing development, modeling of development process, innovation
JEL Classification: C5, M2.
Cite as: Dubnytsky V. & Ovcharenko, O. (2015). Innovation-marketing enterprise development of innovation-market orientation: basic principles and modelling aspects. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 97-107.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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