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N.G .Kalyuzhna, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the International Business Management Department, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Severodonetsk, Ukraine)
Pages: 108-120
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to define theoretical background of management information quality.
The results of the analysis. It is proved that the quality of management processes information support is one of the determining factors of the enterprise management effectiveness providing.
The results of information processing and using depends on the decision-maker subjective interpretation. That causes the necessity of determining measures to reduce management decisions subjectivity. The solution of this problem depends on using the reliable, modern and adequate information in management process.
The article demonstrated the existence of various definitions of the «information» concept. It is indicated that organization and summarization of the theoretical views on the interpretation of information will help to systematize its quality requirements and will establish the conditions to ensure these requirements in the context of the decision-making at the enterprise. It is emphasized that the object of research is management information, the purpose of which is to reduce the uncertainty arising in decision-making at the enterprise.
The approaches to the interpretation of the «information» concept are researched and it is shown that this concept is interpreted as: data or knowledge (epistemological aspect), measure of uncertainty systems and the degree of its ordering (system aspects), a philosophical category (philosophical aspect), a self-algorithm system (practical aspect). An applied character of management information which means its practical value for the administrative processes implementation made it possible to justify the reasonableness of its interpretation in terms of epistemological and systemic approaches. Taking into account the defining features of these approaches the management information is defined as structured data, that helps to reduce uncertainty in enterprise management system, improve the degree of its ordering, and the result of the use of which is knowledge.
The analysis and systematization of requirements for management information quality made it possible to identify a set of management information characteristics that may be considered as criteria for its quality. It is proved that these characteristics are not equivalent and have an interim role in gaining of the adequacy as the integral characteristics of the management information quality. The management information adequacy is defined as information management compliance on a number of characteristics with the management situation and the management decisions for which it is intended. There is formed the hierarchy of the management information characteristics which have an interim role in gaining of the adequacy as the integral characteristics of the management information quality.
The forms of the information adequacy in the terms of semiotics are analyzed, such as: the syntax adequacy (the quality of the formal and structural characteristics perception); the semantic adequacy (the matching of the image, mark and object); the pragmatic adequacy (the compliance of information with the management purposes). The interrelation between the approaches to the interpretation of the «management information» concept and the approaches to measure its adequacy is grounded.
Conclusions and direction of further researches. It is proved that the factor causing the increase of administrative processes efficiency at the enterprise is the providing of the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic adequacy of management information. The providing of the adequacy as the integral characteristics of the management information quality reduces the degree of the decision-making subjectivity and allows to form a system of practical measures to ensure the management processes information optimization at the enterprise.
Keywords: enterprise management system, management information, adequacy, quality, integral characteristic
JEL Classification: D890, M100.
Cite as: Kalyuzhna, N. (2015). Adequacy as an integral characteristic of management information quality: theoretical background . Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 108-120.
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