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O.V. Shkarupa, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student of the Department of Economics and Business Administration, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)
Pages: 235-249
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological bases of ecological modernization of socio-economic development of the region.
The results of the analysis. This paper studies scientific basis of transformation processes for sustainable development, which is important at this time. Considering direction of the history of sustainable development concept, the author emphasizes that if to follow the basic guidelines to upgrade social and economic systems to «green» economy, then it can expected results of ecological modernization. It will save funds due to forewarned of economic damage from pollution and environmental cost savings compensation «rehabilitation» resources and territories. Moreover, prevention of anthropogenic pressure increases the chances of social systems to improve the quality of life and improve the health of the nation. From economic point of view, clean production is more competitive. This study considered the theoretical and methodological bases of ecological modernization of process of socio-economic systems in a region that involves making special reference points of development. Ecological modernization is a prerequisite for ecologically transformation based on quality eco-oriented reforms in social and economic systems. Ecologically safe transformation of socio-economic development means certain progressive changes (intersystem, and intersystem synergistic) and transformations that are strategic in view of eco-focused goal-setting. Such understanding provides for: 1) understanding of transformation as a process which is already identified in environmental trend of socio-economic system; 2) spatial certainty of eco-oriented reforms in connection with certainty qualities of the future development of the system. Arguably, it can and should lead to the structural changes in innovation for sustainable development.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. It is shown that today special attention should be paied to the issues of the theoretical and methodological bases of ecological modernization of socio-economic development of region. It is becoming more apparent that the main vector of ecologically innovative transformational changes not associated with the introduction of total treatment facilities, but with increasing system efficiency and social standards.
Taking into account the using of category «modernization» the author concluded that it is necessary to allocate such an interpretation of the concept of ecological modernization, which would support the inclusion of all the strategic objectives of sustainable development in the region. This study examined the theoretical and methodological features of forming the process of ecological modernization of socio-economic development. Environmental improvements of targets of socio-economic development of the region in the context of green growth are proposed. They are: forming ecologically reproductive mechanisms of social and economic development; improving the quality of life of the general public access to natural resources and ecosystem services; development of optimal institutional infrastructure socioeconomic system of the region; forming a package of eco-modernization of goal-setting changes in socio-economic development; formation of economic shifts the modernization of management tools for green growthaddressing regional socio-economic problems and reduce regional disparities.
Further researches should be addressed to developing new methodological approaches to the development of environmental metrics modernization of socio-economic development for green growth in the region with further evaluation of the process.
Keywords: innovation, transformation, ecological modernization, green economy, social and economic development
JEL Classification: R11, Q56.
Cite as: Shkarupa, O. (2015). Ecological modernization of socio-economic development of the region in the context of social transformations: theoretical and methodological bases. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 235-249.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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