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Authors: Pages: 105-117 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to analyse critically the existing approaches to enterprise innovativeness evaluation, these approaches additions and organizing in order to justify the research methodology and develop tools for integral indicator evaluation (diagnosis). The results of the analysis. Innovativeness of the enterprise is an important social and economic characteristics, foundation and intention of the enterprise theory and a contemporary paradigm of management. It is a system multifaceted complex concept, which describes an enterprise ability to provide innovative development as a result of from management efforts, and to transform innovative potential after innovative measures. Innovativeness of an enterprise can and should be the object of management. Making evaluation (diagnostics) and establishing monitoring of enterprise innovativeness o are important practical tasks. They are the basis for adequate decision-making and a necessary precondition for successful innovation and technological development. Innovation as an indicator of evaluation relates to complex of enterprise integrated characteristics such as competitiveness, investment attractiveness, viability, creditworthiness and so on. The level of innovation is an integral valuation indicator, which characterizes the stage (extent) of enterprise innovativeness. A critical review of available scientific proposals for innovative parameters evaluation proved the need for the formation of the system of enterprise innovativeness analytical indicators. There are two levels of indicators: 1) indicators of public (express) and 2) indicators of internal (fundamental) innovativeness evaluation. Calculation of indicators of the first group is based on operating statistical reporting forms of Ukraine and enterprises specialized monitoring. These indicators are intended for an innovativeness public indicator evaluation. Indicators of the second group serve as an information base for the innovativeness internal indicator calculation. It helps to make conclusions more profound and develope appropriate management decisions. The author proposed a comprehensive system of enterprise innovativeness public evaluation. It is based on the current Ukrainian statistical reporting and comprises of two subsystems (determinants): preconditions and results (manifestations) of innovativeness. It is proposed to evaluate preconditions of innovativeness in such areas as: intellectual property rights formation; cooperation with educational, scientific, and entrepreneurial sectors; information and personnel readiness for innovations implementation; financial and investment support of innovative enterprise activity; state (regional) promotion of enterprise innovativeness. It is proposed to evaluate the results of innovativeness in the context of such directions as innovative enterprise activity; market launch of innovative products; introduction of new technique and advanced technologies; introduction of new information and communication technologies; participation in technological transfers. It is also proposed to summarize analytical indicators into an integral indicator of innovativeness according to the principles of additive weighted average clotting. A specially formed group of experts should assess coefficients of significance of individual valuation indicators. Interpretation of innovative level can be based on quantitative assessment (close to one) or according to 5-interval scale of linguistic interpretation of Harrington. This integral indicator of innovation can further be used for dynamic and comparative analysis (comparison with the corresponding indicator of other enterprises or average values in the industry). To determine the reference value one can use the average or maximum value in the aggregate researched. Conclusions and directions for future research. This methodology of innovativeness evaluation may interest different groups of enterprise stakeholders. The approaches to the enterprises innovativeness evaluation can be the basis for the formation of Ukrainian rating for leaders of innovative development determination. In addition, these characteristics can be taken into consideration in the process of other integrated assessments (e.g, competitiveness, investment attractiveness) identifying. The value and integral dynamics of enterprise innovativeness level should be considered while making various administrative decisions, in particular to correct innovative strategy or tactics, to develop a plan of innovative and technological enterprise development and so on. Keywords: innovativeness, methodological approaches of innovativeness evaluation, preconditions of innovativeness, results of innovativeness, valuation indicators of innovativeness, integral evaluation, level of innovativeness JEL Classification: M190, М290, О280, О320. Cite as: Ligonenko, L. (2015). Methodology and tools of enterprise innovativeness evaluation. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 105-117.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine