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P.G. Pererva, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Economic Faculty, NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine) M.Y. Gliznutsa, Assistant Professor of the Department of Organization of Production and Personnel Management, NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 11-19
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The purpose of this article is to examine the influence of intellectual potential on the development of regions and enterprises and to analyze its assessment on the basis of benchmarking.
The results of the analysis. The process of finding Ukraine to a stagnant and unstable mode of the transition stage of development clearly indicates the presence of extremely complicated problems, a significant share their root origins has internal. One reason for the problems is the inefficient use of existing resources, including intellectual potential should be put to Peres. World experience shows that only through attention to intellectual wealth, and through effective mechanisms of its use innovative economy formed and highly-developed new society. In the scientific-technical and intellectual sectors of society the capacity and mechanisms to manage this capacity are formed to ensure social and economic development. Consideration of intellectual resources, intellectual potential and scientific and technical component of this potential angle of impact on the economy and on individual economic structure of the system is permanently relevant, and especially in such a situation, when other resources are exhausted or not available.
Informative and useful achievements of foreign and domestic scientists on the nature, formation and use of intellectual potential in the form of intellectual capital (IC) poses a real scientific basis for further research. However, for more effective use of intellectual potential and the mechanism of management of this potential to ensure social and economic development, attention should be paid to its assessment.
The article considers the problem of measuring intellectual potential, its use and capacity in the regional policy of social and economic development. Attention is paid to the process of intellectualization of economic activity of economic entities and enterprises in the aspect of its influence on innovative development of regions. It is asked to assess the intellectual potential of the region using benchmarking technology.
Evaluation of potential IR regions and its impact on development remains a meaningful and necessary in terms more adequate to the real practice of development of economic systems diagrams, algorithms, models and methods of analysis, forecasting and designing the future.
In the recognized global market leaders the largest international image companies constantly and consistently there is an active innovative process where in parallel, as the operational policy evolutionary upgrade policy and strategic developments of radical innovations with significant period from idea to its realization. This second direction uses benchmarking as the research methodology with useful results.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. A scientific review of the nature and methods of the use of intellectual capital at this stage of economic development of Ukraine has its own challenges, among which are such areas of study as the structure of this capital, capacity assessment at the level of enterprises, regions and the country as a whole, identify the key factors influencing intellectual capital, evaluation of investment efficiency in support of it.
Further studies relate to such unsolved issues as the relationship of the IR with the mechanisms of management of innovative development, efficiency of investments in IR, the need to ensure the intellectual development, assessment of intellectual potential of subjects of economic activity.
Keywords: intellectual potential, scientific and technical potential, intellectual capital, benchmarking
JEL Classification: O10, O31, O33.
Cite as: Pererva P. & Gliznutsa, M. (2015). Benchmarking as a method of assessment of region’s intellectual potential . Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 11-19.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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